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Price: $7.82 - $13.00
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8X has appeared in 36 unique listings.

There are currently 13 active listings, 5 sold listings, and 18 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $404.77

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view 8X on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 13 36%
Sold 5 14%
Unsold 18 50%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
CN 19 52.78%
US 14 38.89%
AU 2 5.56%
GB 1 2.78%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
xctrading27 4 11.11%
beautiful1010 3 8.33%
accessorieswholesaler 3 8.33%
peachflower78 2 5.56%
dreamtoneshop 2 5.56%
jiumy1009 2 5.56%
anita1229 2 5.56%
beautiful12 1 2.78%
anita1228 1 2.78%
jiumy1005 1 2.78%
beautiful1003 1 2.78%
jiumy1002 1 2.78%
xctrading2 1 2.78%
beautiful1001 1 2.78%
ik8069 1 2.78%
qmil4692 1 2.78%
giusepp4470 1 2.78%
beauty8882 1 2.78%
jiumy001 1 2.78%
xctrading39 1 2.78%
imaxcity1001 1 2.78%
anita1232 1 2.78%
xctrading20 1 2.78%
beautiful1016 1 2.78%
imaxcity1004 1 2.78%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$404.77 11.24 11.56 1.134406728886606 13.00 7.82
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 33 91.67%
Used 3 8.33%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
CN 7 53.85%
US 6 46.15%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
accessorieswholesaler 2 15.38%
beautiful1010 2 15.38%
xctrading27 2 15.38%
jiumy1002 1 7.69%
xctrading2 1 7.69%
beautiful1001 1 7.69%
peachflower78 1 7.69%
jiumy001 1 7.69%
anita1232 1 7.69%
dreamtoneshop 1 7.69%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$158.83 11.35 11.60 1.140906594398883 12.79 8.44
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 13 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
8x Metal Two Hole Guitar AMP Amplifier Corners Speaker Corner Black for Fender $10.99 30-Nov-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.72 26-Nov-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $9.23 14-Nov-2024
8x Polished Chrome Speaker Amplifier Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Corner for Fender $11.72 12-Nov-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.72 11-Nov-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $9.20 8-Nov-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.15 8-Nov-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $10.08 8-Nov-2024
8x Polished Chrome Speaker Amplifier Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Corner for Fender $11.54 29-Oct-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.72 5-Oct-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $10.96 14-Sep-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.87 14-Sep-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $8.44 6-Sep-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.72 3-Sep-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.55 2-Sep-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.72 2-Sep-2024
8x Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome for Fender $10.99 22-Feb-2024
KAISH 8x Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome for Fender $10.51 16-Jun-2018


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
AU 2 40.00%
US 2 40.00%
GB 1 20.00%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ik8069 1 20.00%
qmil4692 1 20.00%
giusepp4470 1 20.00%
xctrading39 1 20.00%
accessorieswholesaler 1 20.00%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$57.23 11.45 11.72 1.0736777915184796 13.00 10.00
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 2 40.00%
Used 3 60.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
KAISH 8x Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome for Fender $10.51 1-Mar-2025
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.72 21-Feb-2025
8X Solderless Fender Strat Harness 15 way wiring PTB tone circuit KellingSsound $10.00 28-Oct-2024
8x Stratocaster Solderless HSS wiring harness - position = coil split with Mid $12.00 28-Oct-2024
8x Solderless Fender Strat Harness 15 way wiring PTB tone circuit KellingSsound $13.00 25-Oct-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
CN 12 66.67%
US 6 33.33%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
xctrading27 2 11.11%
jiumy1009 2 11.11%
anita1229 2 11.11%
anita1228 1 5.56%
beautiful1010 1 5.56%
jiumy1005 1 5.56%
peachflower78 1 5.56%
beauty8882 1 5.56%
imaxcity1001 1 5.56%
dreamtoneshop 1 5.56%
beautiful12 1 5.56%
beautiful1003 1 5.56%
xctrading20 1 5.56%
beautiful1016 1 5.56%
imaxcity1004 1 5.56%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$202.61 11.26 11.60 1.3566631404085576 12.93 7.82
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 18 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.55 21-Feb-2025
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.31 21-Feb-2025
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $9.23 5-Dec-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.15 12-Nov-2024
8x Polished Chrome Speaker Amplifier Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Corner for Fender $11.56 28-Oct-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.72 7-Oct-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $8.44 5-Oct-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.72 4-Sep-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $7.82 1-Jan-1970
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $12.93 1-Jan-1970
8x Polished Chrome Speaker Amplifier Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Corner for Fender $11.05 1-Jan-1970
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.72 1-Jan-1970
8x Polished Chrome Speaker Amplifier Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Corner for Fender $11.25 1-Jan-1970
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $12.07 1-Jan-1970
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $12.79 1-Jan-1970
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $12.07 1-Jan-1970
8x Polished Chrome Speaker Amplifier Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Corner for Fender $11.64 1-Jan-1970
8x Metal Two Hole Guitar Amplifier Corners Speaker Corner Black for Fender $12.59 1-Jan-1970
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