Fender Guitars
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Price: $0.99 - $4,017.00
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VINTAGE NOISELESS has appeared in 315 unique listings.

There are currently 63 active listings, 72 sold listings, and 180 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $277,584.69

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view VINTAGE NOISELESS on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 63 20%
Sold 72 23%
Unsold 180 57%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
JP 157 49.84%
US 149 47.30%
FR 8 2.54%
CA 1 0.32%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ocha4060 24 7.62%
redhouseguitar 12 3.81%
taigakouga-japan 12 3.81%
spp-international 11 3.49%
heiyhoo 11 3.49%
nrsyokai1 11 3.49%
thestratosphere 10 3.17%
michael_atw 10 3.17%
eastislandcrew 9 2.86%
dimeback-516 9 2.86%
fretdreamer 8 2.54%
guitar.garage 8 2.54%
ilovesmesomestrats 8 2.54%
haruyanag_0 7 2.22%
bassin1965_1 6 1.90%
j.happy.shop21 6 1.90%
ishibashimusic 6 1.90%
sweetwatersound 5 1.59%
bluesky_tiger 5 1.59%
mkspls 4 1.27%
bjboydent 4 1.27%
zenasas 4 1.27%
shar1gre 3 0.95%
proaudiostar 3 0.95%
hashikan 3 0.95%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$277,584.69 881.22 257.25 1015.209390473439 4,017.00 0.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 261 82.86%
Used 54 17.14%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
JP 37 58.73%
US 22 34.92%
FR 4 6.35%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ocha4060 11 17.46%
taigakouga-japan 7 11.11%
haruyanag_0 5 7.94%
fretdreamer 4 6.35%
bassin1965_1 3 4.76%
thestratosphere 2 3.17%
heiyhoo 2 3.17%
eastislandcrew 2 3.17%
spp-international 2 3.17%
dimeback-516 2 3.17%
sweetwatersound 2 3.17%
geartree 2 3.17%
michael_atw 1 1.59%
hashikan 1 1.59%
guitar.garage 1 1.59%
john106.7 1 1.59%
shar1gre 1 1.59%
koyu-trading-llc 1 1.59%
mountainmusicexchange 1 1.59%
sunatona 1 1.59%
xplaid 1 1.59%
maxdod 1 1.59%
cobranetwork 1 1.59%
philanderson68 1 1.59%
stigatsu 1 1.59%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$108,126.79 1,049.77 417.80 1031.7102665442687 4,017.00 39.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 14 22.22%
Used 49 77.78%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender Japan 2013 Limited Edition STR62-NLS Vintage Noiseless Stratocaster $1,442.80 3-Dec-2024
Used Fender USA / Eric Clapton Stratocaster Vintage Noiseless Pickups Black 2021 $1,844.56 2-Dec-2024
Fender Strat Vintage Noiseless Pickups Tortoise Shell Pickguard Stratocaster $169.99 27-Nov-2024
Fender ◆ Fender Vintage NOISELESS JAZZ BASS PICKUP SET $167.70 25-Nov-2024
Fender American Ultra Telecaster Vintage Noiseless Pickup Set And Tone Controls $99.00 25-Nov-2024
Fender Stratocaster Mystic Surf Green MIM / Fender Vintage Noiseless pickups $400.00 25-Nov-2024
Fender 4-String Vintage Noiseless Jazz Bass Pickups Set Stacked Humbuckers $135.00 25-Nov-2024
Fender American Stratocaster Vintage Noiseless Loaded Pickguard 24117 $249.99 25-Nov-2024
2022 Fender Deluxe Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD - USA Vintage Noiseless Pickups $168.50 21-Nov-2024
Fender Eric Clapton Stratocaster w Vintage Noiseless Black store $2,311.79 20-Nov-2024
USA Fender Eric Clapton Strat, VINTAGE NOISELESS PICKUP Stratocaster Neck! $59.99 20-Nov-2024
USA Fender Eric Clapton Strat, VINTAGE NOISELESS PICKUP Stratocaster Middle Mid $59.99 20-Nov-2024
USA Fender Eric Clapton Strat, VINTAGE NOISELESS PICKUP Stratocaster Bridge $59.99 20-Nov-2024
Fender Vintage Noiseless Jazz Bass Pickup Set $15.00 18-Nov-2024
Fender Stratocaster Mystic Surf Green MIM / Fender Vintage Noiseless pickups $500.00 18-Nov-2024
Fender Vintage Noiseless SSS Pre-Wired Strat Pickguard, 11-Hole, Tortoise Shell $329.99 18-Nov-2024
Fender Vintage Noiseless SSS Pre-Wired Stratocaster Pickguard, 11-Hole, Black $329.99 18-Nov-2024
Fender 0992115000 Vintage Noiseless Stratocaster Pickups Set, White - 3 Count $189.99 18-Nov-2024
Fender® pre-wired Strat® pickguard, VINTAGE NOISELESS SSS Tortoise 11H $231.89 15-Nov-2024
Fender Vintage Noiseless Gold Pickup $128.99 12-Nov-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 71 98.61%
CA 1 1.39%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
thestratosphere 7 9.72%
redhouseguitar 6 8.33%
ilovesmesomestrats 6 8.33%
michael_atw 5 6.94%
shar1gre 2 2.78%
plus_music_products 2 2.78%
proaudiostar 2 2.78%
mycollectionmusic 2 2.78%
etcordo0 2 2.78%
5stringtelecasters 2 2.78%
wimpeydeals.999 2 2.78%
lumpkinslady 2 2.78%
garysgreenguitar 1 1.39%
adams1us 1 1.39%
galliano19 1 1.39%
kubo_7952 1 1.39%
8thstreetmusic 1 1.39%
asrush 1 1.39%
sparty 1 1.39%
carsguitarsandmoregreg 1 1.39%
peterparkernyc 1 1.39%
theinfluencefilms 1 1.39%
tradeportusa 1 1.39%
peralta.trading 1 1.39%
dougm23 1 1.39%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$9,661.20 134.18 147.99 88.26648741170116 500.00 0.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 12 16.67%
Used 60 83.33%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender Strat Vintage Noiseless Pickups Black Tuxedo Pickguard Stratocaster $199.99 30-Mar-2025
Fender Vintage Noiseless Telecaster pickup neck guitar $68.99 23-Mar-2025
Fender Nashville Telecaster. Vintage Noiseless Pickups. Controls Guitar Not Inc. $249.99 18-Mar-2025
Vintage Noiseless Stratocaster Bridge Pickup - NIB - NEW - Aged White $71.00 15-Mar-2025
Fender Vintage Noiseless Strat Single Coil Middle / Neck Guitar Pickup PU-10563 $50.00 15-Mar-2025
Genuine Fender Vintage Noiseless Strat Neck Pickup Stratocaster Cream Cover $54.99 11-Mar-2025
Genuine Fender Vintage Noiseless Strat Middle Pickup Stratocaster Cream Cover $54.99 11-Mar-2025
Fender Nashville Telecaster. Vintage Noiseless Pickups. 1 Meg Pots Loaded . $234.99 8-Mar-2025
Fender 0992115000 Vintage Noiseless Stratocaster Pickups Set, White - 3 Count $189.99 26-Feb-2025
Fender Vintage Noiseless Stratocaster Pickup - Free US Shipping $40.00 15-Feb-2025
Fender Vintage Noiseless SSS Pre-wired Stratocaster Pickguard - Parchment 3-ply $250.00 15-Feb-2025
2000 Fender American Deluxe Strat LOADED PICKGUARD USA Vintage Noiseless Pickups $198.50 12-Feb-2025
Fender - Vintage Noiseless Stratocaster Pickups - Set of 3 BLACK NOS $179.00 25-Jan-2025
USA Fender Eric Clapton Strat, VINTAGE NOISELESS PICKUP Stratocaster Middle Mid $59.99 17-Jan-2025
Fender 4-String Vintage Noiseless Jazz Bass Pickups Set Stacked Humbuckers $135.00 16-Jan-2025
Genuine Fender Jazz Bass 5 string Vintage Noiseless pickup set $166.27 9-Jan-2025
USA Fender Eric Clapton Strat, VINTAGE NOISELESS PICKUP Stratocaster Neck! $59.99 25-Dec-2024
Fender Vintage Noiseless Stratocaster PICKUP SET Strat Clapton Set $179.99 25-Dec-2024
Fender Vintage Noiseless Telecaster pickup neck guitar $68.99 18-Dec-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
JP 120 66.67%
US 56 31.11%
FR 4 2.22%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ocha4060 13 7.22%
nrsyokai1 11 6.11%
spp-international 9 5.00%
heiyhoo 9 5.00%
eastislandcrew 7 3.89%
guitar.garage 7 3.89%
dimeback-516 7 3.89%
j.happy.shop21 6 3.33%
ishibashimusic 6 3.33%
redhouseguitar 6 3.33%
bluesky_tiger 5 2.78%
taigakouga-japan 5 2.78%
mkspls 4 2.22%
michael_atw 4 2.22%
fretdreamer 4 2.22%
zenasas 4 2.22%
sweetwatersound 3 1.67%
japanese_mountain_stream 3 1.67%
bjboydent 3 1.67%
japanese-treasure-box 2 1.11%
happymimpi 2 1.11%
nagato-24 2 1.11%
saysaydo 2 1.11%
bassin1965_1 2 1.11%
hashikan 2 1.11%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$203,976.01 1,133.20 427.22 1072.3742440903409 4,017.00 20.39
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 28 15.56%
Used 152 84.44%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Used Fender USA / Eric Clapton Stratocaster Vintage Noiseless Pickups Black 2021 $1,844.56 7-Jan-2025
Fender Eric Clapton Stratocaster Vintage Noiseless Pickups Black (2021) $2,400.00 5-Jan-2025
Fender Eric Clapton Stratocaster Vintage Noiseless Pickups Black 2021 $2,392.28 4-Jan-2025
Fender USA Eric Clapton Strat Vintage Noiseless Pickups Black [SN US21042289] $2,000.00 4-Jan-2025
Fender Japan 2013 Limited Edition STR62-NLS Vintage Noiseless Stratocaster $1,442.80 3-Jan-2025
Fender ◆ Fender Vintage NOISELESS JAZZ BASS PICKUP SET $167.70 24-Dec-2024
Fender Pre-Wired Loaded Strat Pickguard Vintage Noiseless SSS Tortoise Shell $329.99 22-Dec-2024
Fender Eric Clapton Stratocaster w Vintage Noiseless Black store $2,311.79 6-Dec-2024
Fender American Stratocaster Vintage Noiseless Loaded Pickguard 24117 $249.99 1-Dec-2024
Fender ◆ Fender Vintage NOISELESS JAZZ BASS PICKUP SET $188.61 25-Nov-2024
Fender Vintage Noiseless Tele Pu Set $200.05 24-Nov-2024
Fender Eric Clapton Stratocaster Vintage Noiseless Black Electric guitar $1,287.00 19-Nov-2024
Fender Eric Clapton Stratocaster Vintage Noiseless Black $1,288.00 19-Nov-2024
Fender Eric Clapton Stratocaster w Vintage Noiseless Black $2,482.00 18-Nov-2024
Fender Stratocaster Mystic Surf Green MIM / Fender Vintage Noiseless pickups $500.00 17-Nov-2024
Fender Vintage Noiseless Jazz Bass Pickup Set $132.99 15-Nov-2024
Fender Guitar Parts Pre-Wired Strat Pickguard, Vintage Noiseless Sss, Black 11 H $443.82 12-Nov-2024
Pickguard White Fender Pre-cablé Sss 11H for STRAT, Micros Vintage Noiseless $260.92 12-Nov-2024
Used Fender USA Eric Clapton Stratocaster w Vintage Noiseless Black Limi $2,479.08 11-Nov-2024
Fender Fender Vintage NOISELESS STRATOCASTER Set of 3 Strat Ca From Japan $286.96 10-Nov-2024
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