Fender Guitars
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Price: $15.00 - $11,036.20
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FENDER CORONADO has appeared in 593 unique listings.

There are currently 91 active listings, 26 sold listings, and 476 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $751,143.88

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view FENDER CORONADO on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 91 15%
Sold 26 4%
Unsold 476 81%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
DE 433 73.02%
US 87 14.67%
JP 59 9.95%
CN 13 2.19%
GR 1 0.17%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
music-outlet-shop 434 73.19%
mlt86 17 2.87%
ekgdesign 15 2.53%
japansa2023 13 2.19%
eastislandcrew 8 1.35%
michael_atw 8 1.35%
hi-etimesmall 7 1.18%
vintage-guitar-specialist 7 1.18%
spp-international 6 1.01%
guitar.garage 4 0.67%
dimeback-516 4 0.67%
japan_holic 4 0.67%
ocha4060 4 0.67%
7339078 3 0.51%
mahe1068 3 0.51%
taigakouga-japan 3 0.51%
trh-universe 2 0.34%
vg7 2 0.34%
musicallan_lee 2 0.34%
heiyhoo 2 0.34%
mr.guitars 2 0.34%
digree_japan 2 0.34%
euclidese 2 0.34%
subwayguitars_berkeley 2 0.34%
bgpawnshop 2 0.34%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$751,143.88 1,266.68 1,098.00 1412.1483141500753 11,036.20 15.00
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 590 99.49%
Used 3 0.51%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
DE 54 59.34%
US 17 18.68%
JP 14 15.38%
CN 5 5.49%
GR 1 1.10%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
music-outlet-shop 54 59.34%
japansa2023 4 4.40%
ekgdesign 3 3.30%
mlt86 3 3.30%
eastislandcrew 3 3.30%
michael_atw 3 3.30%
7339078 3 3.30%
vintage-guitar-specialist 2 2.20%
trh-universe 2 2.20%
ocha4060 2 2.20%
mahe1068 2 2.20%
technoempire 1 1.10%
electric_church_pickguards 1 1.10%
loviesguitars 1 1.10%
taigakouga-japan 1 1.10%
creamcitymusic 1 1.10%
yourtowninc 1 1.10%
heiyhoo 1 1.10%
copper_chord_music 1 1.10%
japan_holic 1 1.10%
subwayguitars_berkeley 1 1.10%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$502,038.52 1,293.91 1,098.00 0 9,515.96 34.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 2 2.20%
Used 89 97.80%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1967 FENDER CORONADO BASS BODY USA $1,798.00 3-Dec-2024
1969 FENDER CORONADO TUNER $150.00 2-Dec-2024
1967 FENDER CORONADO BRIDGE with feet Vintage 1966 1968 1969 1960 's 60 's $129.95 2-Dec-2024
1967 Vintage Fender Coronado II Guitar Trapeze Tailpiece Chrome I 1968 1969 60's $119.95 2-Dec-2024
1967 Vintage Fender Coronado II Guitar Trapeze Tailpiece Chrome I 1968 1969 60's $89.95 2-Dec-2024
1967 FENDER CORONADO BRIDGE Vintage 1966 1968 1969 1960 's 60 's $89.95 2-Dec-2024
1967 FENDER CORONADO II BODY - made in USA - ORANGE RED $1,098.00 1-Dec-2024
1967 FENDER CORONADO BASS BODY USA $1,798.00 1-Dec-2024
fender coronado maple Guitar Neck 21Fret 24 inches $189.99 1-Dec-2024
fender coronado maple Guitar Neck $169.99 1-Dec-2024
1968 FENDER CORONADO USA BRIDGE $275.00 1-Dec-2024
1967 FENDER CORONADO II PICKUP USA $175.00 1-Dec-2024
1969 FENDER CORONADO TUNER $150.00 1-Dec-2024
1969 FENDER CORONADO USA BRIDGE $297.00 1-Dec-2024
DEAD Vintage Fender Coronado Guitar PICKUP $99.99 1-Dec-2024
1969 FENDER CORONADO TUNER $150.00 1-Dec-2024
1967 FENDER CORONADO BASS BODY USA $1,798.00 30-Nov-2024
1969 FENDER CORONADO PICKUP USA $250.00 30-Nov-2024
1969 FENDER CORONADO TUNER $148.00 30-Nov-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 19 73.08%
CN 7 26.92%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
hi-etimesmall 7 26.92%
vintage-guitar-specialist 3 11.54%
mr.guitars 2 7.69%
mlt86 2 7.69%
hawaiisellersj 1 3.85%
michael_atw 1 3.85%
rockertroll 1 3.85%
bgpawnshop 1 3.85%
breasthook 1 3.85%
jgear2go 1 3.85%
theguitarfactorywebsite 1 3.85%
bobcat.s_3 1 3.85%
ontheroadmidwest 1 3.85%
westminstermp 1 3.85%
musicallan_lee 1 3.85%
euclidese 1 3.85%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$13,459.81 517.69 139.00 735.8611613469258 2,653.01 37.00
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 26 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Vintage 1968 Fender Coronado Bass II Wildwood Natural, $2,000.00 15-Mar-2025
Fender Coronado II Guitar Knobs Knob Set of 4 original Vintage 1967 1966 1968 $39.95 12-Mar-2025
Chandler Fender Coronado XII Pickguard Replacement ***FREE SHIPPING*** $37.00 11-Jan-2025
1967 Fender Coronado II guitar $2,195.00 10-Jan-2025
1967 FENDER CORONADO BRIDGE with feet Vintage 1966 1968 1969 1960 's 60 's $129.95 8-Jan-2025
Guitar NECK Fender Coronado II 21 Frets Maple rose wood 3# $139.00 6-Jan-2025
Guitar NECK Fender Coronado II 21 Frets Maple rose wood 2# $139.00 6-Jan-2025
Guitar NECK Fender Coronado II 21 Frets Maple rose wood $139.00 3-Dec-2024
2014 Fender Coronado II Black Rosewood Fret Electric Guitar! (WMP007928) $849.99 3-Dec-2024
DEAD Vintage Fender Coronado Guitar PICKUP $99.99 1-Dec-2024
Fender Coronado XII 12-String Retainer String Tree Vintage USA 1967 $117.00 29-Nov-2024
Fender Coronado XII Guitar Knobs Knob Set of 4 USA Vintage Set Screw Type $127.00 16-Nov-2024
Guitar NECK Fender Coronado II 21 Frets Maple rose wood $149.00 3-Nov-2024
1960s Fender Coronado Grover Tuner With Pearl Button (1pc) RARE!! $60.00 26-Oct-2024
Fender Coronado 2 eletric guitar $500.00 20-Oct-2024
1967 Fender Coronado II - Vintage Sunburst Hollow Body Guitar w/ DLX Gig Bag $1,300.00 15-Oct-2024
Guitar NECK Fender Coronado II 21 Frets Maple rose wood 1# $139.00 14-Oct-2024
4 Vintage FENDER CORONADO Guitar KNOBS 60s $79.99 3-Oct-2024
1967 Vintage Fender Coronado II Guitar Trapeze Tailpiece Chrome $89.95 11-Sep-2024
Guitar NECK Fender Coronado II 21 Frets Maple rose wood $139.00 31-Aug-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
DE 379 79.62%
US 51 10.71%
JP 45 9.45%
CN 1 0.21%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
music-outlet-shop 380 79.83%
ekgdesign 12 2.52%
mlt86 12 2.52%
japansa2023 9 1.89%
spp-international 6 1.26%
eastislandcrew 5 1.05%
guitar.garage 4 0.84%
dimeback-516 4 0.84%
michael_atw 4 0.84%
japan_holic 3 0.63%
vg7 2 0.42%
vintage-guitar-specialist 2 0.42%
digree_japan 2 0.42%
ocha4060 2 0.42%
taigakouga-japan 2 0.42%
rp4guitars 1 0.21%
tgmstore 1 0.21%
japan-product-shop 1 0.21%
kasumiya-jp 1 0.21%
oliviasvintage 1 0.21%
techambient 1 0.21%
japan-good-goods 1 0.21%
imperial_vintage_guitars 1 0.21%
mahe1068 1 0.21%
destinationforyou 1 0.21%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$590,243.85 1,240.01 1,098.00 1340.507557353002 9,515.96 34.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 1 0.21%
Used 475 99.79%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1967 Fender Coronado II with Rosewood Fretboard Sunburst $2,999.00 12-Feb-2025
Fender Coronado XII 12-String Trapeze Tailpiece USA Vintage 1967 $247.00 29-Jan-2025
Fender Coronado Tremolo '67 $4,548.00 18-Jan-2025
Fender CORONADO BASS $4,397.00 29-Dec-2024
1966 Fender Coronado II Lake Placid Blue $3,999.99 24-Dec-2024
Vintage Fender Coronado W/ Case Electric/ Acoustic 1966 $1,199.00 22-Dec-2024
1967 FENDER CORONADO BRIDGE Vintage 1966 1968 1969 1960 's 60 's $89.95 9-Dec-2024
1967 Vintage Fender Coronado II Guitar Trapeze Tailpiece Chrome I 1968 1969 60's $119.95 9-Dec-2024
1967 FENDER CORONADO BRIDGE with feet Vintage 1966 1968 1969 1960 's 60 's $129.95 9-Dec-2024
1969 FENDER CORONADO TUNER $150.00 7-Dec-2024
1969 FENDER CORONADO TUNER $150.00 5-Dec-2024
1967 FENDER CORONADO BASS BODY USA $1,798.00 5-Dec-2024
1967 FENDER CORONADO II PICKUP USA $175.00 5-Dec-2024
1969 FENDER CORONADO USA BRIDGE $297.00 5-Dec-2024
1967 FENDER CORONADO II BODY - made in USA - ORANGE RED $1,098.00 4-Dec-2024
1969 FENDER CORONADO PICKUP USA $250.00 4-Dec-2024
1969 FENDER CORONADO TUNER $148.00 4-Dec-2024
Fender Coronado I 1966 Sunburst Guitar w/ Epiphone Hard Case #1137 $1,649.99 3-Dec-2024
1969 FENDER CORONADO TUNER $150.00 2-Dec-2024
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