Fender Guitars
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Price: $0.99 - $2,499.00
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MIM MEXICO has appeared in 107 unique listings.

There are currently 31 active listings, 27 sold listings, and 49 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $43,965.52

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view MIM MEXICO on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 31 29%
Sold 27 25%
Unsold 49 46%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 107 100.00%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sweetwife99 28 26.17%
michael_atw 27 25.23%
p90_thrasher 9 8.41%
hairguytonyd 4 3.74%
3rdavenuexchange 3 2.80%
burgerguitars 3 2.80%
guitarfinds 3 2.80%
cannons9 2 1.87%
tommyoddgtrs 2 1.87%
musicadiablo 2 1.87%
charvelmaster3b 2 1.87%
vfrlunatic 2 1.87%
guitaraudio 2 1.87%
isoso5878 1 0.93%
ssuitts7rvc 1 0.93%
julibott_6 1 0.93%
sooner_ga 1 0.93%
guitar_leon 1 0.93%
valdretti 1 0.93%
theguitarfactorywebsite 1 0.93%
doctor_mojo 1 0.93%
feelagreatbid 1 0.93%
kevinecho 1 0.93%
esalesandshipping 1 0.93%
prekale1 1 0.93%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$43,965.52 410.89 300.00 342.80937948206525 2,499.00 0.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 105 98.13%
Used 2 1.87%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 31 100.00%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sweetwife99 10 32.26%
michael_atw 6 19.35%
p90_thrasher 3 9.68%
hairguytonyd 3 9.68%
burgerguitars 2 6.45%
guitaraudio 2 6.45%
guitarfinds 2 6.45%
theguitarfactorywebsite 1 3.23%
kevinecho 1 3.23%
prekale1 1 3.23%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$21,788.84 427.23 350.00 277.5919221667134 1,199.00 0.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 2 6.45%
Used 29 93.55%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
2003 Fender Stratocaster Maple MIM Mexico Fat Red Wine $630.00 2-Dec-2024
fender mim mexico 60th anniversary $450.00 2-Dec-2024
2015 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico candy Apple red $649.99 30-Nov-2024
1999 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico Midnight blue $774.99 30-Nov-2024
fender mim mexico 60th anniversary $350.00 25-Nov-2024
Fender Limited Stratocaster guitar neck MIM Mexico Player Roasted Maple $169.99 25-Nov-2024
1993 Fender MIM Mexico Strat Pickups Cream/White SSS $80.00 11-Nov-2024
2015 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico candy Apple red $649.99 9-Nov-2024
1999 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico Midnight blue $774.99 9-Nov-2024
1993 Fender Stratocaster Strat MIM Mexico Black Single Humbucker Guitar $224.99 8-Nov-2024
Hipshot BT7 Xtender Key Extender D-Tuner for MIM Mexico Fender Bass - NICKEL $72.27 8-Nov-2024
2000 Fender Jazz Bass Standard Guitar - Black MIM Mexico $499.00 8-Nov-2024
Layla Mexican Fender Stratocaster Custom Painted Guitar MIM Mexico Standard $2,499.00 8-Nov-2024
2015 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico candy Apple red $649.99 8-Nov-2024
1999 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico Midnight blue $774.99 8-Nov-2024
1993 Fender Stratocaster Strat MIM Mexico Black Single Humbucker Guitar $249.99 8-Nov-2024
‘94 Fender Squier Stratocaster MIM Mexico $199.00 27-Oct-2024
2015 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico candy Apple red $649.99 26-Oct-2024
1999 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico Midnight blue $774.99 26-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 27 100.00%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
michael_atw 6 22.22%
3rdavenuexchange 3 11.11%
musicadiablo 2 7.41%
charvelmaster3b 2 7.41%
julibott_6 1 3.70%
ssuitts7rvc 1 3.70%
cannons9 1 3.70%
tommyoddgtrs 1 3.70%
sooner_ga 1 3.70%
valdretti 1 3.70%
isoso5878 1 3.70%
vfrlunatic 1 3.70%
scottn59c 1 3.70%
audioantiques 1 3.70%
low_book 1 3.70%
guitarfinds 1 3.70%
azjake25 1 3.70%
p90_thrasher 1 3.70%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$6,706.41 248.39 199.00 173.98401132018347 795.00 0.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 27 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender Limited Stratocaster guitar neck MIM Mexico Player Roasted Maple $169.99 26-Nov-2024
1993 Fender Stratocaster Strat MIM Mexico Black Single Humbucker Guitar $210.50 18-Nov-2024
1993 Fender MIM Mexico Strat Pickups Cream/White SSS $80.00 16-Nov-2024
Fender Player Mustang 90 Electric Guitar Burgundy Mist Metallic MIM Mexico $795.00 5-Nov-2024
‘94 Fender Squier Stratocaster MIM Mexico $199.00 30-Oct-2024
2012 Fender Stratocaster Neck MIM Mexico, Maple $199.00 26-Oct-2024
2010 Fender Stratocaster Neck MIM Mexico - Replaced Truss Rod $115.00 16-Oct-2024
Fender Limited Stratocaster guitar neck MIM Mexico Player Roasted Maple $131.99 25-Sep-2024
1992 Fender Stratocaster MIM Mexico Squier Series Cream Strat Electric Guitar $499.00 19-Sep-2024
2008 Fender P Bass Mim Mexico Project Guitar Parts As Is Broken $0.99 16-Sep-2024
Fender FSR Player Stratocaster Neck, Ebony, 9.5" C, MIM, Mexico, Limited Edition $300.00 9-Sep-2024
2005 Sage Green Metallic Fender Stratocaster Maple Flame MIM Mexico Worn Player! $325.00 1-Sep-2024
Fender Jazz Bass Standard 1993 MIM Mexico $449.00 31-Aug-2024
2022 Fender Neck Stratocaster Locking Tuners MIM Mexico $199.00 30-Aug-2024
Fender Limited Stratocaster guitar neck MIM Mexico Player Roasted Maple $157.99 27-Aug-2024
Fender Limited Stratocaster guitar neck MIM Mexico Player Roasted Maple $148.99 20-Aug-2024
Fender MIM Mexico set Telecaster Guitar Pickup Set - Vintera II '60s $75.00 17-Aug-2024
1995 Sage Green Metallic Fender Stratocaster Maple w/Flame MIM Mexico Gr.Player! $350.00 12-Aug-2024
1995 Sage Green Metallic Fender Stratocaster Maple w/Flame MIM Mexico Gr.Player! $375.00 11-Aug-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 49 100.00%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
sweetwife99 18 36.73%
michael_atw 15 30.61%
p90_thrasher 5 10.20%
cannons9 1 2.04%
tommyoddgtrs 1 2.04%
guitar_leon 1 2.04%
burgerguitars 1 2.04%
feelagreatbid 1 2.04%
esalesandshipping 1 2.04%
doctor_mojo 1 2.04%
sed1000 1 2.04%
vfrlunatic 1 2.04%
amassey51819 1 2.04%
hairguytonyd 1 2.04%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$20,708.84 422.63 314.99 281.6587085239515 1,199.00 0.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 49 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
fender mim mexico 60th anniversary $350.00 2-Dec-2024
1999 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico Midnight blue $774.99 24-Nov-2024
2015 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico candy Apple red $649.99 24-Nov-2024
2015 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico candy Apple red $649.99 19-Nov-2024
1999 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico Midnight blue $774.99 19-Nov-2024
1993 Fender Stratocaster Strat MIM Mexico Black Single Humbucker Guitar $249.99 8-Nov-2024
Fender Tex Mex Stratocaster Maple Neck W Tuners 1995 MIM Mexico Made Used Vintag $169.99 4-Nov-2024
1999 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico Midnight blue $774.99 29-Oct-2024
2015 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico candy Apple red $649.99 29-Oct-2024
1993 Fender Stratocaster Strat MIM Mexico Black Single Humbucker Guitar $249.99 28-Oct-2024
1999 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico Midnight blue $774.99 26-Oct-2024
2015 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico candy Apple red $649.99 26-Oct-2024
2010 Fender Stratocaster Neck MIM Mexico Replaced Truss Rod Please READ Details $115.00 21-Oct-2024
Partially Loaded Stratocaster Pickguard MIM Mexico Fender Pickups CRL $0.99 19-Oct-2024
1993 Fender Stratocaster Strat MIM Mexico Black Single Humbucker Guitar $299.99 18-Oct-2024
1995 Fender Stratocaster MIM Mexico Squier Series Strat Black Label Guitar $499.00 15-Oct-2024
2015 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico candy Apple red $649.99 4-Oct-2024
1999 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico Midnight blue $774.99 4-Oct-2024
2017 Fender Stratocaster Standard Vintage Style Strat Std MIM Mexico (ROC037434) $499.99 4-Oct-2024
1999 Fender standard telecaster electric guitar MIM Mexico Midnight blue $774.99 28-Sep-2024
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