Fender Guitars
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Price: $9.63 - $249.99
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AGED CHROME has appeared in 36 unique listings.

There are currently 10 active listings, 14 sold listings, and 12 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $1,671.02

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eBay.com Click here to view AGED CHROME on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 10 28%
Sold 14 39%
Unsold 12 33%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 25 69.44%
GB 7 19.44%
ES 4 11.11%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
guitars_electric 7 19.44%
snareflair 5 13.89%
forestguitar 4 11.11%
guitarhey 3 8.33%
dr.brontosaurus 2 5.56%
uplanderguitars 2 5.56%
allsoundstore 2 5.56%
arkansasmusicworks 1 2.78%
musicians-guitar-outlet 1 2.78%
guitaraudio 1 2.78%
azjake25 1 2.78%
rocknrolla 1 2.78%
truecustomshop 1 2.78%
agedguitarparts 1 2.78%
thestratosphere 1 2.78%
guitartoolsinternational 1 2.78%
ilovesmesomestrats 1 2.78%
laboogieman 1 2.78%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,671.02 46.42 32.54 49.403210793716596 249.99 9.63
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 24 66.67%
Used 12 33.33%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 9 90.00%
GB 1 10.00%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
snareflair 3 30.00%
guitarhey 2 20.00%
guitars_electric 1 10.00%
dr.brontosaurus 1 10.00%
truecustomshop 1 10.00%
thestratosphere 1 10.00%
uplanderguitars 1 10.00%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$206.61 22.96 22.99 12.765395933277327 43.75 9.63
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 6 60.00%
Used 4 40.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Aged CHROME ROUND TOP KNOBS slotted grub screw for 50s Fender TELECASTER guitars $32.87 29-Nov-2024
NEW - GOTOH Aged Chrome Relic Serial Number Neck Plate fits Fender Guitar & Bass $19.75 20-Nov-2024
Vintage Spec 1961-1962 Serial Reissue Chrome Fender Aged Chrome Relic Neck Plate $249.99 10-Nov-2024
Vintage Spec 1961-1962 Serial Reissue Chrome Fender Aged Chrome Relic Neck Plate $149.99 8-Nov-2024
NEW Fender Road Worn Telecaster BRIDGE Tele Parts Aged Chrome Relic 0997210000 $59.99 29-Oct-2024
Aged CHROME ROUND TOP KNOBS slotted grub screw for 50s Fender TELECASTER guitars $33.70 28-Oct-2024
Gotoh Strap Pin EPB2 Set Of 2 Compatible Fender, Aged Chrome Finish RELIC $9.63 26-Oct-2024
Vintage Style Output Jack Cup Plate Fender Strat NOS Lightly Aged Chrome Relic $29.99 15-Oct-2024
True Custom Shop® GOTOH AGED Chrome Relic "In Tune" Bridge for Fender Telecaster $59.97 12-Oct-2024
Aged CHROME ROUND TOP KNOBS slotted grub screw for 50s Fender TELECASTER guitars $34.74 29-Sep-2024
Fender JMJ Road Worn Mustang Bass Aged Chrome BRIDGE Mute Parts & Accessories $100.00 26-Sep-2024
Gotoh Strap Pin EPB2 Set of 2 Compatible Fender, Aged Chrome Finish RELIC $9.94 22-Sep-2024
Fender Corona California Neck Plate Stratocaster Telecaster Relic Aged Chrome $20.00 21-Sep-2024
NEW Gotoh Factory Aged Chrome RELIC SERIAL NUMBER Neck Plate for Guitar/Bass $19.95 15-Sep-2024
Genuine Fender ROAD WORN Aged Chrome Tele/Telecaster Bridge - 099-7210-000 $48.97 13-Sep-2024
Vintage Style Output Jack Cup Plate Fender Strat Protocaster Aged Chrome Relic $59.99 12-Sep-2024
Aged CHROME ROUND TOP KNOBS slotted grub screw for 50s Fender TELECASTER guitars $34.18 29-Aug-2024
Gotoh Aged Chrome Relic Jack Plate, Screws, Strap Buttons for Fender MJT Strat $22.00 25-Aug-2024
Tremolo Unit, Gotoh, GE101TS Relic, aged chrome, fits Fender or MJT Stratocaster $60.00 25-Aug-2024
GOTOH Strap Pin EPB2 Set Of 2 Compatible FENDER, Aged Chrome Finish RELIC $9.90 23-Aug-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 14 100.00%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
allsoundstore 2 14.29%
snareflair 2 14.29%
uplanderguitars 1 7.14%
arkansasmusicworks 1 7.14%
musicians-guitar-outlet 1 7.14%
dr.brontosaurus 1 7.14%
azjake25 1 7.14%
agedguitarparts 1 7.14%
rocknrolla 1 7.14%
guitaraudio 1 7.14%
guitarhey 1 7.14%
laboogieman 1 7.14%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$713.09 50.94 28.00 41.54636631008094 149.99 18.74
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 7 50.00%
Used 7 50.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Vintage Spec 1961-1962 Serial Reissue Chrome Fender Aged Chrome Relic Neck Plate $149.99 13-Feb-2025
NEW Gotoh Factory Aged Chrome RELIC SERIAL NUMBER Neck Plate for Guitar/Bass $19.95 17-Dec-2024
Genuine Fender ROAD WORN Aged Chrome Tele/Telecaster Bridge - 099-7210-000 $48.97 1-Dec-2024
Gotoh JCS-1 RELIC Factory Aged Chrome Jack Plate for Fender® Stratocaster Strat $18.99 30-Nov-2024
Vintage Style Output Jack Cup Plate Fender Strat Protocaster Aged Chrome Relic $59.99 12-Nov-2024
Fender JMJ Road Worn Mustang Bass Aged Chrome BRIDGE Mute Parts & Accessories $100.00 1-Nov-2024
AGP ™ - Single Aged Chrome Flat Bottom Metal Humbucker Ring #52327 $18.74 24-Oct-2024
Fender Corona California Neck Plate Stratocaster Telecaster Relic Aged Chrome $20.00 23-Sep-2024
Tremolo Unit, Gotoh, GE101TS Relic, aged chrome, fits Fender or MJT Stratocaster $60.00 28-Aug-2024
Genuine Fender ROAD WORN Aged Chrome Telecaster Bridge PAT. PEND. $35.00 20-Aug-2024
NEW - Genuine Fender Road Worn Tele Dome Knobs (2) - AGED CHROME, 099-7211-000 $20.73 13-Aug-2024
NEW - GOTOH Aged Chrome Relic Serial Number Neck Plate fits Fender Guitar & Bass $19.75 13-Aug-2024
Gotoh GE101TS RELIC Vintage STEEL TREMOLO for Fender® Stratocaster - AGED CHROME $119.99 1-Jul-2023


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
GB 6 50.00%
ES 4 33.33%
US 2 16.67%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
guitars_electric 6 50.00%
forestguitar 4 33.33%
guitartoolsinternational 1 8.33%
ilovesmesomestrats 1 8.33%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$296.53 24.71 32.54 12.160404638506986 43.75 9.63
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 11 91.67%
Used 1 8.33%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Aged CHROME ROUND TOP KNOBS slotted grub screw for 50s Fender TELECASTER guitars $32.87 29-Dec-2024
Aged CHROME ROUND TOP KNOBS slotted grub screw for 50s Fender TELECASTER guitars $33.70 28-Nov-2024
Gotoh Strap Pin EPB2 Set Of 2 Compatible Fender, Aged Chrome Finish RELIC $9.63 26-Nov-2024
Gotoh Strap Pin EPB2 Set of 2 Compatible Fender, Aged Chrome Finish RELIC $9.94 26-Oct-2024
Aged CHROME ROUND TOP KNOBS slotted grub screw for 50s Fender TELECASTER guitars $34.18 28-Sep-2024
GOTOH Strap Pin EPB2 Set Of 2 Compatible FENDER, Aged Chrome Finish RELIC $9.90 22-Sep-2024
GOTOH Strap Pin EPB2 Set Of 2 Compatible FENDER, Aged Chrome Finish RELIC $9.65 23-Aug-2024
Aged CHROME ROUND TOP KNOBS slotted grub screw for 50s Fender TELECASTER guitars $32.84 1-Jan-1970
Aged CHROME ROUND TOP KNOBS slotted grub screw for 50s Fender TELECASTER guitars $32.49 1-Jan-1970
Genuine Fender F Logo Aged Chrome Neck Plate Strat Stratocaster Tele w/Screws $14.99 1-Jan-1970
Aged CHROME ROUND TOP KNOBS slotted grub screw for 50s Fender TELECASTER guitars $32.59 1-Jan-1970
Gotoh Relic Fender Style Bass Bridge Aged Chrome PVTB-4AC $43.75 1-Jan-1970
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