Fender Guitars
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Price: $500.00 - $3,127.20
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3-COLOR SUNBURST MAPLE has appeared in 99 unique listings.

There are currently 39 active listings, 1 sold listings, and 59 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $109,077.36

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view 3-COLOR SUNBURST MAPLE on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 39 39%
Sold 1 1%
Unsold 59 60%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
JP 60 60.61%
US 39 39.39%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
fullersguitar 24 24.24%
spp-international 12 12.12%
hiroshi_selgvits 11 11.11%
rock_8630 9 9.09%
ocha4060 7 7.07%
dimeback-516 3 3.03%
eastislandcrew 3 3.03%
zenasas 2 2.02%
momozaemon 2 2.02%
lamitie_store 2 2.02%
greed_monster 2 2.02%
japan_holic 2 2.02%
gooddea55 2 2.02%
guitar.garage 1 1.01%
kunoichi_music_square_for_players 1 1.01%
ishibashimusic 1 1.01%
heiyhoo 1 1.01%
sunatona 1 1.01%
japan-media-store 1 1.01%
nyankichi2009 1 1.01%
gran_ark 1 1.01%
bargain_shack_usa 1 1.01%
happymimpi 1 1.01%
kasumiya-jp 1 1.01%
fujifumotoya 1 1.01%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$109,077.36 1,101.79 975.40 474.2484458217769 3,127.20 500.00
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 58 58.59%
Used 41 41.41%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
JP 25 64.10%
US 14 35.90%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
fullersguitar 13 33.33%
hiroshi_selgvits 8 20.51%
spp-international 4 10.26%
ocha4060 2 5.13%
zenasas 1 2.56%
rock_8630 1 2.56%
dimeback-516 1 2.56%
guitar.garage 1 2.56%
kunoichi_music_square_for_players 1 2.56%
ishibashimusic 1 2.56%
eastislandcrew 1 2.56%
sunatona 1 2.56%
nyankichi2009 1 2.56%
kasumiya-jp 1 2.56%
fujifumotoya 1 2.56%
japanese-treasurebox 1 2.56%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$56,452.29 1,065.14 956.69 0 2,263.99 500.00
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 17 43.59%
Used 22 56.41%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender Classic Series Stratocaster 3-Color Sunburst Maple Used $1,216.74 3-Dec-2024
Fender Mexico / Player Plus Stratocaster HSS 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fender Strat $1,218.99 2-Dec-2024
Squier By Fender Affinity Series Telecaster Thinline 3-Color Sunburst / Maple $645.67 30-Nov-2024
Fender Deluxe Active Precision Bass Guitar Special - 3-Color Sunburst Maple Neck $789.97 27-Nov-2024
Fender Player Stratocaster HSS Electric Guitar 3-Color Sunburst Maple Finger $500.00 25-Nov-2024
Fender Player II Mustang Bass PJ 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $799.99 22-Nov-2024
Fender Vintera II '60s Telecaster Thinline 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $1,149.99 22-Nov-2024
Fender Player II Mustang Bass PJ 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $799.99 22-Nov-2024
Fender Player II Telecaster HH 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $829.99 22-Nov-2024
Fender Player II Telecaster Left-Hand 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $799.99 22-Nov-2024
Fender Player II Telecaster HH 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $829.99 22-Nov-2024
Fender American Professional II Stratocaster 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $1,599.99 22-Nov-2024
Fender Vintera II '70s Stratocaster 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $999.99 22-Nov-2024
Fender American Professional II Telecaster 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $1,599.99 22-Nov-2024
Fender American Professional II Precision Bass 3-Color Sunburst Maple $1,649.99 22-Nov-2024
Fender Player II Telecaster 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $799.99 22-Nov-2024
Fender American Vintage II 1975 Telecaster Deluxe 3-Color Sunburst Maple $2,499.99 22-Nov-2024
Fender American Vintage II 1972 Telecaster Thinline 3-Color Sunburst Maple $2,599.99 22-Nov-2024
Fender Player Stratocaster Left-Handed 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $849.99 21-Nov-2024
Fender Used Classic Series Stratocaster Mod. 3-Color Sunburst / Maple $1,486.42 18-Nov-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 1 100.00%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
gooddea55 1 100.00%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$900.00 900.00 900.00 0 900.00 900.00
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 1 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender American Professional II Stratocaster HSS 3-Color Sunburst Maple $900.00 5-Apr-2025


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
JP 35 59.32%
US 24 40.68%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
fullersguitar 11 18.64%
rock_8630 8 13.56%
spp-international 8 13.56%
ocha4060 5 8.47%
hiroshi_selgvits 3 5.08%
momozaemon 2 3.39%
lamitie_store 2 3.39%
dimeback-516 2 3.39%
greed_monster 2 3.39%
japan_holic 2 3.39%
eastislandcrew 2 3.39%
heiyhoo 1 1.69%
gran_ark 1 1.69%
happymimpi 1 1.69%
japan-media-store 1 1.69%
jdstoyz1516 1 1.69%
hapihapi_japan 1 1.69%
toeknee401 1 1.69%
taigakouga-japan 1 1.69%
bargain_shack_usa 1 1.69%
zenasas 1 1.69%
altomusic 1 1.69%
gooddea55 1 1.69%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$66,293.49 1,123.62 999.99 502.74484236181075 3,127.20 500.00
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 24 40.68%
Used 35 59.32%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender Player II Telecaster Left-Hand 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $799.99 25-Feb-2025
Fender Vintera II '70s Stratocaster 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $999.99 25-Feb-2025
Fender Mexico / Player II Mustang Bass PJ 3-Color Sunburst Maple S/N MX24035984 $872.45 16-Feb-2025
Fender Player Stratocaster HSS Electric Guitar 3-Color Sunburst Maple Finger NEW $699.99 14-Feb-2025
Fender American Professional II Stratocaster 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $1,599.99 24-Jan-2025
Squier By Fender Affinity Series Telecaster Thinline 3-Color Sunburst / Maple $645.67 18-Jan-2025
Fender Player II Telecaster HH 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $829.99 30-Dec-2024
Fender Player II Mustang 3-Color Sunburst Maple $1,017.00 25-Dec-2024
Fender American Professional II Telecaster 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $1,599.99 20-Dec-2024
Fender Player II Mustang Bass PJ 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $799.99 17-Dec-2024
Fender Player II Telecaster 3-Color Sunburst Maple Fingerboard $799.99 13-Dec-2024
Fender Made in Japan Hybrid II Telecaster 3-Color Sunburst Maple FB $910.55 5-Dec-2024
Fender Player Stratocaster HSS Electric Guitar 3-Color Sunburst Maple Finger $500.00 30-Nov-2024
Fender Deluxe Active Precision Bass Guitar Special - 3-Color Sunburst Maple Neck $789.97 28-Nov-2024
Fender Player Stratocaster HSS Electric Guitar 3-Color Sunburst Maple Finger $500.00 23-Nov-2024
Fender Player II Mustang Bass PJ 3-Color Sunburst Maple $1,066.00 16-Nov-2024
Fender Player Stratocaster HSS Electric Guitar 3-Color Sunburst Maple Finger $500.00 16-Nov-2024
Fender Made in Japan Hybrid II Stratocaster 3-Color Sunburst Maple Guitar NEW $1,035.03 6-Nov-2024
Fender Player Series Jazz Bass 3-Color Sunburst Maple $927.00 2-Nov-2024
Fender Player Stratocaster HSS Electric Guitar 3-Color Sunburst Maple Finger $500.00 2-Nov-2024
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