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Vendor | Link Info | |
eBay.com | Click here to view MUST on eBay |
Listings Overview | ||
Status | Listings | Percentage of listings |
Active | 25 | 73% |
Sold | 5 | 15% |
Unsold | 4 | 12% |
Country Overview | |||
Country | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
JP | 24 | 70.59% | |
US | 10 | 29.41% |
All Sellers (click to view on eBay) | |||
Seller Name | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
haruyanag_0 | 3 | 8.82% | |
tgmstore | 2 | 5.88% | |
taigakouga-japan | 2 | 5.88% | |
scotpro | 2 | 5.88% | |
8thstreetmusic | 2 | 5.88% | |
japanese-treasurebox | 2 | 5.88% | |
kasumiya-jp | 2 | 5.88% | |
spp-international | 2 | 5.88% | |
iapan_music_store | 2 | 5.88% | |
dimeback-516 | 2 | 5.88% | |
formula_japan | 2 | 5.88% | |
sunatona | 2 | 5.88% | |
dened14 | 1 | 2.94% | |
heygreatwatch | 1 | 2.94% | |
daver9296 | 1 | 2.94% | |
arkansasmusicworks | 1 | 2.94% | |
stok-o-razzi4u | 1 | 2.94% | |
guitar.garage | 1 | 2.94% | |
heiyhoo | 1 | 2.94% | |
eastislandcrew | 1 | 2.94% | |
deramache-0 | 1 | 2.94% |
Pricing Overview | |||||
Total | Average | Median | Std. Deviation | Highest | Lowest |
$38,789.79 | 1,140.88 | 1,211.68 | 612.886808837607 | 2,800.00 | 22.99 |
Condition Overview | ||
Condition | Listings | Percentage of listings |
New | 29 | 85.29% |
Used | 5 | 14.71% |
Refrubished | 0 | 0.00% |
Active Countries | |||
Country | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
JP | 21 | 84.00% | |
US | 4 | 16.00% |
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay) | |||
Seller Name | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
tgmstore | 2 | 8.00% | |
japanese-treasurebox | 2 | 8.00% | |
kasumiya-jp | 2 | 8.00% | |
spp-international | 2 | 8.00% | |
iapan_music_store | 2 | 8.00% | |
dimeback-516 | 2 | 8.00% | |
formula_japan | 2 | 8.00% | |
sunatona | 2 | 8.00% | |
haruyanag_0 | 1 | 4.00% | |
taigakouga-japan | 1 | 4.00% | |
8thstreetmusic | 1 | 4.00% | |
daver9296 | 1 | 4.00% | |
arkansasmusicworks | 1 | 4.00% | |
guitar.garage | 1 | 4.00% | |
heiyhoo | 1 | 4.00% | |
eastislandcrew | 1 | 4.00% | |
deramache-0 | 1 | 4.00% |
Active Pricing | |||||
Total | Average | Median | Std. Deviation | Highest | Lowest |
$21,694.65 | 1,276.16 | 1,299.00 | 377.8519631386754 | 1,795.00 | 34.99 |
Active Conditions | ||
Condition | Listings | Percentage of listings |
New | 3 | 12.00% |
Used | 22 | 88.00% |
Refrubished | 0 | 0.00% |
Sold Countries | |||
Country | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
US | 5 | 100.00% |
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay) | |||
Seller Name | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
dened14 | 1 | 20.00% | |
heygreatwatch | 1 | 20.00% | |
scotpro | 1 | 20.00% | |
8thstreetmusic | 1 | 20.00% | |
stok-o-razzi4u | 1 | 20.00% |
Sold Pricing | |||||
Total | Average | Median | Std. Deviation | Highest | Lowest |
$5,858.99 | 1,171.80 | 635.00 | 1184.8626718805856 | 2,800.00 | 23.99 |
Sold Conditions | ||
Condition | Listings | Percentage of listings |
New | 2 | 40.00% |
Used | 3 | 60.00% |
Refrubished | 0 | 0.00% |
Unsold Countries | |||
Country | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
JP | 3 | 75.00% | |
US | 1 | 25.00% |
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay) | |||
Seller Name | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
haruyanag_0 | 2 | 50.00% | |
taigakouga-japan | 1 | 25.00% | |
scotpro | 1 | 25.00% |
Unsold Pricing | |||||
Total | Average | Median | Std. Deviation | Highest | Lowest |
$5,234.45 | 1,308.61 | 1,209.71 | 306.96997030450717 | 1,795.00 | 1,020.02 |
Unsold Conditions | ||
Condition | Listings | Percentage of listings |
New | 0 | 0.00% |
Used | 4 | 100.00% |
Refrubished | 0 | 0.00% |