Fender Guitars
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Price: $0.01 - $114,978.00
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AMPLIFIER has appeared in 6,978 unique listings.

There are currently 1,501 active listings, 1,733 sold listings, and 3,743 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $2,791,071.24

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Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 1,501 22%
Sold 1,733 25%
Unsold 3,743 53%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 5,623 80.58%
JP 999 14.32%
CN 192 2.75%
CA 57 0.82%
MY 43 0.62%
GB 29 0.42%
AU 16 0.23%
FR 10 0.14%
LT 2 0.03%
ES 2 0.03%
DE 2 0.03%
IE 1 0.01%
GU 1 0.01%
CH 1 0.01%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
spp-international 244 3.50%
haruyanag_0 223 3.20%
sweetwatersound 90 1.29%
samurai.hobby.store1 87 1.25%
musicallan_lee 67 0.96%
proaudiostar 62 0.89%
tgmstore 61 0.87%
butlermusic 51 0.73%
kaliscomputers 46 0.66%
oscaalme 45 0.64%
musicians-bunker 45 0.64%
midiworld 44 0.63%
mahoganymusicau 43 0.62%
goodwillvsb 35 0.50%
goodwill_industries_of_san_francisco 31 0.44%
eadgbe-jazz 29 0.42%
guitarowl 28 0.40%
tradeportusa 28 0.40%
aurora3dcg 28 0.40%
jamazon77 25 0.36%
gran_ark 25 0.36%
jdstoyz1516 24 0.34%
goodwill_colorado_collectables 24 0.34%
imperial_vintage_guitars 24 0.34%
focusproaudio 24 0.34%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$2,791,071.24 399.98 89.99 1592.1697475914607 114,978.00 0.01
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 4,863 69.69%
Used 2,064 29.58%
Refrubished 51 0.73%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 1,156 77.02%
JP 185 12.33%
CN 92 6.13%
MY 36 2.40%
CA 9 0.60%
FR 8 0.53%
GB 7 0.47%
AU 4 0.27%
ES 1 0.07%
LT 1 0.07%
CH 1 0.07%
DE 1 0.07%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
haruyanag_0 53 3.53%
mahoganymusicau 36 2.40%
proaudiostar 23 1.53%
focusproaudio 22 1.47%
spp-international 20 1.33%
samurai.hobby.store1 18 1.20%
oscaalme 17 1.13%
sweetwatersound 15 1.00%
thecasestore 15 1.00%
imperial_vintage_guitars 14 0.93%
tgmstore 14 0.93%
midiworld 13 0.87%
eadgbe-jazz 13 0.87%
musicallan_lee 13 0.87%
kaliscomputers 11 0.73%
instrumentpro_com_inc 11 0.73%
geartree 10 0.67%
alamomusic 9 0.60%
jamazon77 9 0.60%
carry_happiness 9 0.60%
adorama 9 0.60%
guitarowl 9 0.60%
jpolansky1 9 0.60%
guitaraudio 9 0.60%
ralleysprr4nhf 8 0.53%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,553,252.14 497.04 129.99 2243.674576708242 114,978.00 1.50
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 559 37.24%
Used 938 62.49%
Refrubished 4 0.27%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender g $6.10 4-Dec-2024
Fender Mustang Micro Headphone Amplifier, with 2-Year Warranty $94.99 3-Dec-2024
Fender Pro Junior Tube Guitar Amplifier Pre-owned Free Shipping $399.99 3-Dec-2024
Fender 68 Custom Twin Reverb Guitar Amplifier $1,579.99 3-Dec-2024
Fender 64 Custom Deluxe Reverb Guitar Amplifier $2,699.99 3-Dec-2024
Fender Rumble 15 watt Bass Amplifier $49.00 3-Dec-2024
Fender FM65 DSP Guitar Amplifier With Digital Effects $129.99 3-Dec-2024
Fender 68 Custom Pro Reverb Guitar Amplifier, with 2-Year Warranty $1,439.99 3-Dec-2024
Fender Deluxe VM 40-watt Tube Amplifier with DSP Effects $549.99 3-Dec-2024
Fender Mustang I (V.2) 20 Watt Guitar Amplifier with DSP ,TESTED GREAT $149.95 3-Dec-2024
fender 057533000 Amplifier Cover - Model Unknown $1.00 3-Dec-2024
Fender Frontman 15B Guitar Black Combo Amplifier $60.00 3-Dec-2024
Fender Vibro Champ XD 5-Watt 1x8" Tube Hybrid Guitar Combo Amplifier $225.00 3-Dec-2024
Fender Mini Deluxe MD-20 Travel Portable Electric Guitar Amplifier Amp $24.00 3-Dec-2024
FENDER MUSTANG MICRO PLUS guitar headphone amplifier From Japan $207.90 3-Dec-2024
FENDER MUSTANG MICRO Headphone Amplifier From Japan $149.65 3-Dec-2024
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $17.88 3-Dec-2024
Fender Amp Emblem Amplifier Metal Vintage 70’s P/N 011298 #2 $29.00 3-Dec-2024
Fender Amp Emblem Amplifier Metal Vintage 70’s P/N 011298 $29.00 3-Dec-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 1,687 97.35%
JP 14 0.81%
CA 9 0.52%
CN 9 0.52%
GB 8 0.46%
AU 4 0.23%
LT 1 0.06%
FR 1 0.06%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
musicallan_lee 33 1.90%
midiworld 31 1.79%
goodwillvsb 18 1.04%
goodwill_colorado_collectables 16 0.92%
goodwillrs 15 0.87%
wheelr-deelr 15 0.87%
goodwill_industries_of_san_francisco 14 0.81%
yelow-sub 12 0.69%
austin_bazaar 12 0.69%
slappysvintage 12 0.69%
proaudiostar 11 0.63%
guitaraudio 11 0.63%
tradeportusa 10 0.58%
thriftonic 10 0.58%
seattlegoodwill 9 0.52%
themusicfarm 9 0.52%
oscaalme 9 0.52%
eadgbe-jazz 9 0.52%
musicians-bunker 8 0.46%
fezdexringo 8 0.46%
butlermusic 8 0.46%
p90_thrasher 8 0.46%
8thstreetmusic 8 0.46%
akarrash 7 0.40%
onlymonthrufriday 7 0.40%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$353,312.18 203.87 60.00 442.05722631922725 6,500.00 0.01
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 267 15.41%
Used 1,464 84.48%
Refrubished 2 0.12%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender Mustang LT25 2311100000 1 x 8" 25 Watt Electric Guitar Combo Amplifier $125.99 7-Apr-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $38.00 2-Apr-2025
Rare Fender Mini-Twin Amplifier MT-10 Powers on Great Condition $20.00 1-Apr-2025
Nice Used Fender Blues Jr. IV 15 Watt Guitar Amplifier $449.99 1-Apr-2025
Fender Champ 57 Custom Electric Guitar tube amplifier OUT OF BOX- TESTED/WORKING $610.99 31-Mar-2025
Used Vintage Black & Silver Fender Squier Model BP-15 Guitar Amplifier - Tested $29.99 31-Mar-2025
Fender Mustang LT25 Electric Guitar Amplifier Powers On As Is Project $23.00 30-Mar-2025
Fender Frontman 20G 20-Watt Combo Amplifier - Black $90.00 30-Mar-2025
1983 Fender Stage Lead 1x12" Instrument Amplifier Guitar Amp Powers On Untested $199.99 30-Mar-2025
Hot Rod DeVille Circuit Board Tube Guitar Combo Amplifier $99.00 30-Mar-2025
Fender Rumble 100 310 Watts Solid State Combo Bass Guitar Amplifier $185.50 30-Mar-2025
vintage Fender "Champ Amp" tweed tube amplifier Fullerton California Model 5F1 $1,900.00 24-Mar-2025
Fender Sidekick 15 Guitar Amplifier , Used , good working order $35.00 24-Mar-2025
Hot Rod DeVille 212 60W 2x12" Tube Guitar Combo Amplifier Guitar Amp $400.00 23-Mar-2025
Vintage Fender Sidekick 15 Reverb Guitar Amplifier Made In Taiwan Tested Working $65.00 23-Mar-2025
Fender Mustang LT25 Guitar Amplifier 25W 1X8" Combo Amp Great Condition *Clean* $86.00 23-Mar-2025
1955-1964 Fender Champ Amplifier Cabinet. Narrow Panel. With 8 inch Jensen Spkr $207.50 23-Mar-2025
Fender Rumble 40 V3 Bass Amplifier $50.00 23-Mar-2025
FENDER GTX50 Mustang - 50W - 1X12 Combo Amplifier .. GTX-50 $229.00 22-Mar-2025


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 2,779 74.25%
JP 800 21.37%
CN 91 2.43%
CA 39 1.04%
GB 14 0.37%
AU 8 0.21%
MY 7 0.19%
IE 1 0.03%
GU 1 0.03%
ES 1 0.03%
FR 1 0.03%
DE 1 0.03%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
spp-international 223 5.96%
haruyanag_0 169 4.52%
sweetwatersound 70 1.87%
samurai.hobby.store1 69 1.84%
tgmstore 45 1.20%
butlermusic 37 0.99%
musicians-bunker 35 0.94%
kaliscomputers 35 0.94%
proaudiostar 28 0.75%
aurora3dcg 28 0.75%
musicallan_lee 21 0.56%
jdstoyz1516 20 0.53%
oscaalme 19 0.51%
gran_ark 19 0.51%
dougtrio3 17 0.45%
firebirdologist 16 0.43%
musiciansfriend 16 0.43%
jamazon77 16 0.43%
samurai-123 16 0.43%
japan_bluecaster 16 0.43%
goodwillvsb 15 0.40%
p90_thrasher 14 0.37%
guitarowl 14 0.37%
lifeisincredible 13 0.35%
hiroshi_selgvits 13 0.35%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,769,474.66 472.74 106.71 2080.821171265784 114,978.00 1.50
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 1,238 33.08%
Used 2,460 65.72%
Refrubished 45 1.20%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $12.65 28-Feb-2025
1*Antique Style Guitar Amplifier Leather Handle Strap w/ Fittings For Fender Amp $14.17 28-Feb-2025
Fender Mustang Micro Personal Guitar Amplifier $99.99 26-Feb-2025
Vintage Fender Squier Champ 15 Guitar Amplifier PR-408 28W Works $35.00 26-Feb-2025
Fender Rumble 200 Electric Bass Guitar Combo Amplifier 200 Watt 1 x 15 Amp $425.00 24-Feb-2025
Fender �68 Custom Pro Reverb Combo Amplifier $1,599.99 23-Feb-2025
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $15.35 21-Feb-2025
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.55 21-Feb-2025
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.31 21-Feb-2025
8PCS Metal 2-Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender $11.33 20-Feb-2025
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender S $7.47 20-Feb-2025
Vintage Leather Style Guitar Amplifier Repair Handle for Fender Ampeg Amps Amp z $12.96 19-Feb-2025
21cm Vintage Leather Style Guitar Amplifier Handle for Fender Ampeg Amps Amp g $12.99 19-Feb-2025
Vintage Leather Style Guitar Amplifier Repair Handle for Fender Ampeg Amps Amp d $12.99 19-Feb-2025
Vintage Leather Style Guitar Amplifier Repair Handle for Fender Ampeg Amps Amp a $12.99 19-Feb-2025
21cm Vintage Leather Style Guitar Amplifier Handle for Fender Ampeg Amps Amp $12.94 19-Feb-2025
Vintage Leather Style Guitar Amplifier Repair Handle for Fender Ampeg Amps Amp $12.99 19-Feb-2025
21cm Vintage Leather Style Guitar Amplifier Handle for Fender Ampeg Amps Amp b $14.29 19-Feb-2025
21cm Vintage Leather Style Guitar Amplifier Handle for Fender Ampeg Amps Amp s $12.95 19-Feb-2025
Vintage Leather Style Guitar Amplifier Repair Handle for Fender Ampeg Amps Amp f $14.55 19-Feb-2025
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