Fender Guitars
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Price: $20.00 - $25,000.00
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FENDER ROSEWOOD has appeared in 165 unique listings.

There are currently 15 active listings, 7 sold listings, and 143 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $131,113.65

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view FENDER ROSEWOOD on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 15 9%
Sold 7 4%
Unsold 143 87%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
DE 80 48.48%
CN 70 42.42%
US 15 9.09%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
music-outlet-shop 80 48.48%
hongfei-65 63 38.18%
mmguitarbar 3 1.82%
kneestrike 2 1.21%
adfewf0041 2 1.21%
ebonywomen 2 1.21%
jiliany92 2 1.21%
millrunmusic 1 0.61%
chacraw_5238 1 0.61%
gunnar4650 1 0.61%
peralta.trading 1 0.61%
mlt86 1 0.61%
baiub_75 1 0.61%
fdgsad 1 0.61%
danv323 1 0.61%
guitaraudio 1 0.61%
qingyuan-32 1 0.61%
tourcaddy 1 0.61%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$131,113.65 794.63 1,111.00 1978.218744330913 25,000.00 20.00
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 93 56.36%
Used 72 43.64%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
DE 10 66.67%
US 3 20.00%
CN 2 13.33%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
music-outlet-shop 10 66.67%
adfewf0041 2 13.33%
mmguitarbar 1 6.67%
kneestrike 1 6.67%
gunnar4650 1 6.67%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$51,038.98 1,186.95 1,111.00 306.8320268185147 2,899.99 1,111.00
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 2 13.33%
Used 13 86.67%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 3-Dec-2024
2018-Warmoth Fender Rosewood Telecaster Custom. $2,559.00 3-Dec-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 1-Dec-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 30-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 29-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 28-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 27-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 25-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 20-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 18-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 10-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 8-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 8-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 30-Oct-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 24-Oct-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 22-Oct-2024
2006 Squier Strat by Fender Rosewood Neck 21-Frets Skunk Stripe 9.5" Radius $74.95 21-Oct-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 19-Oct-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 17-Oct-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 13-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 5 71.43%
CN 2 28.57%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ebonywomen 2 28.57%
hongfei-65 2 28.57%
kneestrike 1 14.29%
chacraw_5238 1 14.29%
peralta.trading 1 14.29%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,397.88 199.70 74.95 173.50708636942804 500.00 20.00
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 3 42.86%
Used 4 57.14%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender Rosewood fingerboard 22frets ST Roasted maple flame electric guitar neck $58.00 27-Mar-2025
Fender Rosewood fingerboard 22frets ST handle Roasted maple electric guitar neck $20.00 23-Mar-2025
Fender Rosewood Maple VINTERA I I 60s Jazz Bass Neck with Tuners & Hardware $349.99 25-Feb-2025
2006 Squier Strat by Fender Rosewood Neck 21-Frets Skunk Stripe 9.5" Radius $74.95 26-Jan-2025
2006 Squier Strat by Fender Rosewood Neck 21-Frets Skunk Stripe 9.5" Radius $74.95 17-Oct-2024
Genuine Fender Rosewood Tele Neck New In Box $500.00 9-Oct-2024
Fender Rosewood Telecaster Neck $319.99 15-Sep-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
DE 70 48.95%
CN 66 46.15%
US 7 4.90%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
music-outlet-shop 70 48.95%
hongfei-65 61 42.66%
mmguitarbar 2 1.40%
jiliany92 2 1.40%
millrunmusic 1 0.70%
mlt86 1 0.70%
baiub_75 1 0.70%
fdgsad 1 0.70%
danv323 1 0.70%
guitaraudio 1 0.70%
qingyuan-32 1 0.70%
tourcaddy 1 0.70%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$90,625.80 633.75 1,111.00 579.1623057852997 2,899.99 20.00
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 67 46.85%
Used 76 53.15%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 6-Dec-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 3-Dec-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 1-Dec-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 30-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 29-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 28-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 13-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 10-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 8-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 7-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 5-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 2-Nov-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 30-Oct-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 24-Oct-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 19-Oct-2024
2011 Fender Rosewood Telecaster TL-ROSE Near-Mint w/ USA Pickups, Japan $1,899.99 17-Oct-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 17-Oct-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 7-Oct-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 5-Oct-2024
1960 FENDER ROSEWOOD NECK USA $1,111.00 28-Sep-2024
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