Fender Guitars
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Price: $0.99 - $5,000.00
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1998 FENDER STRATOCASTER has appeared in 39 unique listings.

There are currently 5 active listings, 17 sold listings, and 17 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $24,215.66

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view 1998 FENDER STRATOCASTER on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 5 13%
Sold 17 43%
Unsold 17 44%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 39 100.00%
All Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
gnh.hoch.1opproi0y 8 20.51%
ebonywomen 8 20.51%
nickm2104 3 7.69%
bnkomis1969 3 7.69%
casetanner 2 5.13%
thenortongroup 2 5.13%
sd-auctions 2 5.13%
jjsgreatdealsxl 2 5.13%
jjc2-aurora 1 2.56%
bertostoolworld 1 2.56%
junkshopmusic 1 2.56%
willows543 1 2.56%
backyard-guitars-plus 1 2.56%
mainelydeals 1 2.56%
tracylisenby 1 2.56%
carnieville 1 2.56%
michael_atw 1 2.56%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$24,215.66 620.91 439.99 1054.0243098441981 5,000.00 0.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 39 100.00%
Used 0 0.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 5 100.00%
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
gnh.hoch.1opproi0y 2 40.00%
thenortongroup 1 20.00%
junkshopmusic 1 20.00%
bnkomis1969 1 20.00%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$14,198.45 1,290.77 508.08 0 5,000.00 199.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 5 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1998 fender stratocaster $508.08 25-Nov-2024
1998 fender stratocaster $508.08 18-Nov-2024
1998 fender stratocaster $508.08 8-Nov-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster MIM Made In Mexico Black B1 $499.99 29-Oct-2024
1998 fender stratocaster $508.08 28-Oct-2024
1998 fender stratocaster $508.08 21-Oct-2024
Rare 1998 Fender Stratocaster American Deluxe Electric Guitar (LP9019643) $200.00 15-Oct-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster (Fair Condition) $369.99 14-Oct-2024
1998 fender stratocaster $508.08 14-Oct-2024
Rare 1998 Fender Stratocaster American Deluxe Electric Guitar $5,000.00 9-Oct-2024
1998 fender stratocaster $508.08 7-Oct-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster Neck American Vintage Reissue 57 With Tuners Relic USA $0.99 3-Oct-2024
1998 fender stratocaster $508.08 30-Sep-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster MIM Made In Mexico Black B1 $499.99 29-Sep-2024
Rare 1998 Fender Stratocaster American Deluxe Electric Guitar $5,000.00 26-Sep-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster Maple Neck MIM Skunk Stripe 21-Frets $199.99 15-Sep-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster MIM Upgraded Pick Ups Made In Mexico Black $479.00 8-Sep-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster Maple Neck MIM Skunk Stripe 21-Frets $199.99 6-Sep-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 17 100.00%
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
ebonywomen 8 47.06%
nickm2104 2 11.76%
jjc2-aurora 1 5.88%
willows543 1 5.88%
backyard-guitars-plus 1 5.88%
thenortongroup 1 5.88%
bertostoolworld 1 5.88%
sd-auctions 1 5.88%
jjsgreatdealsxl 1 5.88%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$5,186.10 305.07 244.95 353.26865687574923 1,250.00 0.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 17 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1998 Fender Stratocaster Mim excellent A+ 1 owner $365.00 11-Feb-2025
1998 Fender Stratocaster MIM Electric Guitar Black w/ Maple Neck $397.00 11-Feb-2025
Absolutely Beautiful 1998 Fender Stratocaster Vintera In Daphne Blue MIM $1,099.99 15-Nov-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster Maple Neck MIM Skunk Stripe 21-Frets $229.95 13-Nov-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster Rosewood Neck MIM Skunk Stripe 21-Frets $244.95 8-Nov-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster MIM Made In Mexico Black B1 $499.99 8-Nov-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster USA. Swamp Ash Natural. 7.1 Lbs With Ohsc Minty $1,250.00 1-Nov-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster (Fair Condition) $369.99 16-Oct-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster Neck American Vintage Reissue 57 With Tuners Relic USA $0.99 10-Oct-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster Standard Inline-6 Tuning Pegs Tuners Two-Pin Chrome $34.95 15-Sep-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster Standard MIM Body 3-Color Sunburst SSS Birdseye Alder $244.95 25-Aug-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster MIM Tapered Alloy Tremolo Block w/ HW $11.49 22-Aug-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster MIM Vintage-Style Bent Bridge Saddles w/ HW $19.95 26-Jul-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster ‘57 American Vintage Reissue Loaded Pickguard $249.00 26-Jul-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster (Mexico) Black/White 6-String Electric Guitar $34.00 25-Jul-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster MIM Chrome Six-Point Tremolo Bridge Plate $8.95 18-Jul-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster MIM Loaded 3-Ply Pickguard SSS Off-White w/ HW $124.95 18-Jul-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 17 100.00%
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
gnh.hoch.1opproi0y 6 35.29%
casetanner 2 11.76%
bnkomis1969 2 11.76%
nickm2104 1 5.88%
sd-auctions 1 5.88%
mainelydeals 1 5.88%
jjsgreatdealsxl 1 5.88%
tracylisenby 1 5.88%
carnieville 1 5.88%
michael_atw 1 5.88%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$16,867.42 992.20 508.08 1473.081171657806 5,000.00 169.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 0 0.00%
Used 17 100.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1998 fender stratocaster $508.08 2-Dec-2024
1998 fender stratocaster $508.08 25-Nov-2024
1998 fender stratocaster $508.08 11-Nov-2024
1998 fender stratocaster $508.08 21-Oct-2024
Rare 1998 Fender Stratocaster American Deluxe Electric Guitar $5,000.00 15-Oct-2024
1998 fender stratocaster $508.08 14-Oct-2024
1998 fender stratocaster $508.08 7-Oct-2024
Rare 1998 Fender Stratocaster American Deluxe Electric Guitar $5,000.00 6-Oct-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster American Vintage Reissue 57 Neck With Tuners - Relic! $749.99 3-Oct-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster Maple Neck MIM Skunk Stripe 21-Frets $199.99 15-Sep-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster Maple Neck MIM Skunk Stripe 21-Frets $199.99 13-Sep-2024
1998 Fender Stratocaster guitar neck MIM Standard Mexico maple $259.99 1-Jan-1970
Vintage 1998 Fender Stratocaster Standard Arctic White MIM $450.00 1-Jan-1970
1998 Fender Stratocaster MIM Guitar Red, White And Blue Custom-painted, Maple $800.00 1-Jan-1970
1998 Fender Stratocaster Mim excellent A+ 1 owner $549.00 1-Jan-1970
1998 Fender Stratocaster Neck w/Tuners BROWN MEXICO 26IN $169.99 1-Jan-1970
1998 Fender Stratocaster MIM Electric Guitar Black w/ Maple Neck $439.99 1-Jan-1970
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