Fender Guitars
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Price: $0.99 - $7,514.75
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ERA has appeared in 157 unique listings.

There are currently 41 active listings, 50 sold listings, and 66 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $197,379.36

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eBay.com Click here to view ERA on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 41 26%
Sold 50 32%
Unsold 66 42%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 115 73.25%
JP 38 24.20%
AU 2 1.27%
IL 1 0.64%
PT 1 0.64%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
mattashine 18 11.46%
slappysvintage 11 7.01%
snareflair 10 6.37%
fmhouse 8 5.10%
ocha4060 5 3.18%
dimeback-516 5 3.18%
j.happy.shop21 4 2.55%
aurora3dcg 4 2.55%
techambient 4 2.55%
g.a.s.-station 3 1.91%
uplanderguitars 3 1.91%
daylifter 2 1.27%
pasadenabrownsound 2 1.27%
torrmark 2 1.27%
bluesky_tiger 2 1.27%
japansa2023 2 1.27%
backyard-guitars-plus 2 1.27%
searecord 2 1.27%
vintage-future 2 1.27%
taigakouga-japan 1 0.64%
ninjaguitars 1 0.64%
jmjr25 1 0.64%
beaumonts_paint_and_hardware 1 0.64%
lecram4950 1 0.64%
ou812-usa 1 0.64%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$197,379.36 1,257.19 357.00 1731.962266215869 7,514.75 0.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 150 95.54%
Used 7 4.46%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 28 68.29%
JP 11 26.83%
PT 1 2.44%
AU 1 2.44%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
snareflair 6 14.63%
mattashine 4 9.76%
ocha4060 4 9.76%
fmhouse 4 9.76%
dimeback-516 3 7.32%
techambient 2 4.88%
pasadenabrownsound 1 2.44%
g.a.s.-station 1 2.44%
jmjr25 1 2.44%
partoutallthetime 1 2.44%
pt-ru31 1 2.44%
dr_nine 1 2.44%
my3rdjob2011 1 2.44%
thethrowbackcollection 1 2.44%
vintage-future 1 2.44%
torrmark 1 2.44%
guitarswanted 1 2.44%
l-archi 1 2.44%
destinationforyou 1 2.44%
lnbleist3gyg 1 2.44%
yazawa-shop-japan 1 2.44%
bluesky_tiger 1 2.44%
peratron 1 2.44%
alden53010 1 2.44%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$38,836.78 1,618.20 1,310.21 1535.945595111029 5,783.45 9.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 3 7.32%
Used 38 92.68%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Vintage Fender Champ Amp AA764 Circuit Silverface Era 1968-1970 Rare w Tags $1,299.00 2-Dec-2024
Nos Fender Amplifier Grill Cloth Rivera Era $115.00 1-Dec-2024
Fender Custom Shop Esquire, early stamp from Yamano Music era $4,747.00 29-Nov-2024
Fender Japan ST57-85 JV Serial Era Made in 1982 Electric guitar $2,829.00 28-Nov-2024
Fender Custom Shop Esquire, early stamp from Yamano Music era $4,650.00 27-Nov-2024
1966 Fender Princeton Reverb Vintage Amp Blackface Era $1,034.00 25-Nov-2024
1983 Fender USA Stratocaster Neck w/ Tuners Smith Era Nice shape $425.00 25-Nov-2024
Fender American Vintage 1952 TELECASTER BLONDE Fullerton era 1982 $5,783.45 25-Nov-2024
1983 Fender American Standard Jazz Bass - Dan Smith Era Olympic White $1,499.00 22-Nov-2024
1970s USA Fender Stratocaster Guitar Tone Knob Fullerton Era Vintage Part $195.00 21-Nov-2024
1970s USA Fender Stratocaster Guitar Tone Knob Fullerton Era Vintage Part $195.00 21-Nov-2024
1983 Fender Dan Smith Era Stratocaster Sienna Sunburst Maple Fretboard #1148 $1,389.99 18-Nov-2024
Fender Japan ST62 Custom Stratocaster Guitar Fujigen Era $2,026.99 9-Nov-2024
Fender Japan Precision Bass PB-57 Rare Script MIJ Logo Tokai Era 1993-94 $799.00 8-Nov-2024
Fender TELECASTER BLACK Fullerton era 1983 $2,703.86 8-Nov-2024
Fender TELECASTER BLONDE Fullerton era 1984 $2,602.00 8-Nov-2024
Fender Sidekick 65 Watt Reverb Amplifier Rivera Era Japan $300.00 8-Nov-2024
Fender Japan ST54 Stratocaster Electric Guitar Fujigen Era Used $955.48 8-Nov-2024
Vintage Fender USA Rivera Era 2 Button Blackface Footswitch Reverb/Lead Tested $159.95 30-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 50 100.00%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
slappysvintage 9 18.00%
mattashine 7 14.00%
uplanderguitars 3 6.00%
snareflair 3 6.00%
fmhouse 3 6.00%
daylifter 2 4.00%
beaumonts_paint_and_hardware 1 2.00%
fieldsstore 1 2.00%
elizabetshiple_2 1 2.00%
2010bestbye 1 2.00%
ou812-usa 1 2.00%
g.a.s.-station 1 2.00%
stigatsu 1 2.00%
searecord 1 2.00%
tommyoddgtrs 1 2.00%
gibsondependable 1 2.00%
heygreatwatch 1 2.00%
masha3749 1 2.00%
junkville 1 2.00%
torrmark 1 2.00%
ankch06 1 2.00%
thething_brooklyn 1 2.00%
mr.guitars 1 2.00%
alnicospeakers 1 2.00%
hailmarysportscollectibles 1 2.00%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$12,470.93 249.42 77.40 424.0494715620337 1,876.50 0.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 3 6.00%
Used 47 94.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
1970's 1980's Fender Stratocaster 3 spoke Volume Knob CBS Fullerton era NOS $16.00 25-Mar-2025
1970’s Era Fender Princeton Reverb Amp $1,876.50 12-Mar-2025
1970's 1980's Fender Stratocaster 3 spoke Volume Knob CBS Fullerton era NOS $16.00 8-Mar-2025
Takamine F307 Guitar Lawsuit Era Excelent Condition FENDER BAG Serial# 83051804 $180.50 4-Mar-2025
1970's 1980's Fender Stratocaster 3 spoke Volume Knob CBS Fullerton era NOS $16.00 4-Mar-2025
1984 Fender Rivera Era Super Champ. 1 X 10” Hand-Wired Amp. Pristine Condition! $1,876.00 27-Feb-2025
Fender Sidekick 65 Watt Reverb Amplifier Rivera Era Japan $300.00 16-Feb-2025
Vintage 80s Fender Harvard Reverb II Guitar Amp Solid State Rivera Era RARE $364.79 1-Feb-2025
KENT Stewart 5999 Vintage Tube guitar amp 1960's combo W 8” Speaker Fender Era $128.56 27-Jan-2025
2000s era Squier Stratocaster Body + Bridge w/ Fender Logo Saddles -Luthier Nice $61.00 17-Jan-2025
1983 Fender USA Stratocaster Guitar NECK Tuners H. Gastelum Smith Era $649.99 9-Dec-2024
1966 Fender Princeton Reverb Vintage Amp Blackface Era $1,034.00 2-Dec-2024
1983 Fender USA Stratocaster Neck w/ Tuners Smith Era Nice shape $425.00 30-Nov-2024
1960's 1970's Fender Fullerton era Stratocaster Knob set 3 spoke NOS $199.99 23-Nov-2024
2000s era Fender Stratocaster Strat Squier Guitar Neck w/ Logo tuners Luthier $75.00 10-Nov-2024
Vintage 1965 USA Fender Guitar Amp Handle Mount Part Blackface Era $22.00 1-Nov-2024
1970's Fender Fullerton era Stratocaster Knob set 3 spoke $65.00 30-Oct-2024
Real Vintage PRE-CBS Fender USA Fullerton Era Tuner Bushings Relic 9mm Complete $199.99 27-Oct-2024
2000 era Fender Stratocaster Squier Rosewood Guitar Neck w/Tuners Bullet Luthier $70.00 25-Oct-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 37 56.06%
JP 27 40.91%
IL 1 1.52%
AU 1 1.52%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
mattashine 7 10.61%
j.happy.shop21 4 6.06%
aurora3dcg 4 6.06%
slappysvintage 2 3.03%
dimeback-516 2 3.03%
japansa2023 2 3.03%
backyard-guitars-plus 2 3.03%
techambient 2 3.03%
g.a.s.-station 1 1.52%
taigakouga-japan 1 1.52%
ninjaguitars 1 1.52%
kay2015japan 1 1.52%
themoj-93 1 1.52%
pasadenabrownsound 1 1.52%
ocha4060 1 1.52%
bluesky_tiger 1 1.52%
omotenashi_japan2023 1 1.52%
crossroadstorejapan 1 1.52%
lecram4950 1 1.52%
hassid000 1 1.52%
infinity_japan 1 1.52%
creekwalkerwidgets 1 1.52%
ledzurso 1 1.52%
roadhousevintageusa 1 1.52%
snareflair 1 1.52%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$121,434.16 1,839.91 1,379.05 1838.245883707454 7,514.75 10.00
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 1 1.52%
Used 65 98.48%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender American Vintage 1952 TELECASTER BLONDE Fullerton era 1982 $5,783.45 11-Dec-2024
Vintage Fender Champ Amp AA764 Circuit Silverface Era 1968-1970 Rare w Tags $1,299.00 7-Dec-2024
Fender Custom Shop Esquire, early stamp from Yamano Music era $4,747.00 3-Dec-2024
Fender Stratocaster 1970 Neck 4 Bolt Rosewood Hendrix Era $3,450.00 28-Nov-2024
Fender TELECASTER BLONDE Fullerton era 1984 $2,602.00 23-Nov-2024
Fender TELECASTER BLACK Fullerton era 1983 $2,703.86 23-Nov-2024
1960's 1970's Fender Fullerton era Stratocaster Knob set 3 spoke NOS $199.99 22-Nov-2024
Vintage '83 Fender Standard Precision Bass from Fullerton era (USA), minty $2,400.00 20-Nov-2024
Fender Japan Precision Bass PB-57 Rare Script MIJ Logo Tokai Era 1993-94 $799.00 12-Nov-2024
Fender Japan ST57-65 H-Serial Stratocaster FujiGen Era Rare F/S from Japan $770.00 26-Oct-2024
Fender TELECASTER BLONDE Fullerton era 1984 Electric Guitar $3,014.00 24-Oct-2024
1960's 1970's Fender Fullerton era Stratocaster Knob set 3 spoke NOS $250.00 15-Oct-2024
1960's 1970's Fender Fullerton era Stratocaster Knob set 3 spoke NOS $202.50 7-Oct-2024
Rare Yamano Gakki Era Koeido Selected Item Fender Usa American Deluxe Stratocast $2,460.63 26-Sep-2024
1960's 1970's Fender Fullerton era Stratocaster Knob set 3 spoke NOS $250.00 26-Sep-2024
1982 Fender Stratocaster Dan Smith Era Sunburst Sienna Burst Maple Neck $1,850.00 23-Sep-2024
2000s era Fender Squier Strat Stratocaster Body Luthier black Relic Project $40.00 30-Aug-2024
Electric Guitar Modified Fender Strat With 1960's Era Whammy Bar & Japanese HSC $350.00 27-Aug-2024
2000s era Fender Squier Strat Stratocaster Body Luthier black Relic Project $55.00 20-Aug-2024
Fender Japan Telecaster Fujigen era JV $1,321.42 20-Aug-2024
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