Fender Guitars
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Price: $10.49 - $799.99
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PICKGUARD STRAT has appeared in 231 unique listings.

There are currently 48 active listings, 90 sold listings, and 93 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $54,562.37

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view PICKGUARD STRAT on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 48 21%
Sold 90 39%
Unsold 93 40%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 222 96.10%
JP 6 2.60%
CN 3 1.30%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
thestratosphere 153 66.23%
fenderparts 30 12.99%
portlandmusic 8 3.46%
ocha4060 6 2.60%
dhir.dhir 5 2.16%
techambient 3 1.30%
simsmusic 3 1.30%
abbybuck 2 0.87%
snareflair 2 0.87%
partoutallthetime 2 0.87%
andmech-20 1 0.43%
guitarmadnessguitarmadness 1 0.43%
noama46 1 0.43%
yechi_25 1 0.43%
collector-guitar-shop 1 0.43%
jlabello 1 0.43%
brookmays 1 0.43%
tdzpf 1 0.43%
shirleyviolin 1 0.43%
acemills 1 0.43%
classicwolfguitars 1 0.43%
ezrame_70 1 0.43%
searecord 1 0.43%
steand_32 1 0.43%
sddweller 1 0.43%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$54,562.37 236.20 199.99 173.97920000043672 799.99 10.49
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 215 93.07%
Used 16 6.93%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 40 83.33%
JP 5 10.42%
CN 3 6.25%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
thestratosphere 32 66.67%
ocha4060 5 10.42%
snareflair 2 4.17%
dhir.dhir 1 2.08%
portlandmusic 1 2.08%
collector-guitar-shop 1 2.08%
brookmays 1 2.08%
tdzpf 1 2.08%
shirleyviolin 1 2.08%
searecord 1 2.08%
fenderparts 1 2.08%
4cn1070 1 2.08%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$11,168.75 293.91 299.99 208.64992511630288 799.99 10.49
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 7 14.58%
Used 41 85.42%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender American Performer HSS Stratocaster, LOADED PICKGUARD, Strat Double Tap! $199.99 29-Nov-2024
Fender American Ultra Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD Strat S1 Noiseless USA Aged. $299.99 27-Nov-2024
Fender American Ultra Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD Strat S1 Noiseless USA Aged $299.99 25-Nov-2024
USA Fender Eric Clapton Stratocaster, PICKGUARD, Strat 50s White 1 Ply U.S.A. $29.99 20-Nov-2024
Roland USA Strat American Fender Stratocaster Pickguard Strat Tortoise VG $49.00 19-Nov-2024
Genuine Product Fender Custom Shop Fat 50'S Stratocaster Wired Pickguard Strat S $465.43 19-Nov-2024
Fender Pickguard Strat Special Wbw $59.58 19-Nov-2024
Genuine MIM Fender LOADED PICKGUARD Strat Pickup Set HSH Humbucker Stratocaster $249.00 18-Nov-2024
USA Fender Eric Clapton Stratocaster, PICKGUARD, Strat 50s White 1 One Ply! $29.99 12-Nov-2024
USA Fender Eric Clapton Stratocaster, PICKGUARD Strat 50s White 1 Ply. $29.99 12-Nov-2024
Fender USA Custom Shop 1959 Relic RI Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD, Strat "VP" $599.99 12-Nov-2024
1986 Fender Japan Contemporary System 1 Aged Guitar Pickguard Strat MIJ White $95.00 11-Nov-2024
Fender American Ultra II Stratocaster GOLD LOADED PICKGUARD Strat S1 Noiseless. $299.99 8-Nov-2024
Fender American Ultra Luxe Stratocaster, LOADED PICKGUARD Strat S1 Noiseless BLK $299.99 8-Nov-2024
Fender American Ultra II Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD Strat S1 Noiseless Black $299.99 8-Nov-2024
Fender American Performer HSS Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD, Strat Double Tap! $199.99 8-Nov-2024
Fender American Ultra II Stratocaster GOLD LOADED PICKGUARD Strat S1 Noiseless $299.99 8-Nov-2024
Fender USA Custom Shop 1959 Relic RI Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD, Strat "EP" $599.99 8-Nov-2024
Fender American Ultra II Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD Strat S1 Noiseless Black $299.99 8-Nov-2024
Fender Custom Shop Vintage Custom 1959 CC Closet LOADED PICKGUARD, Strat "CG". $599.99 8-Nov-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 90 100.00%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
thestratosphere 57 63.33%
fenderparts 17 18.89%
portlandmusic 6 6.67%
abbybuck 2 2.22%
techambient 2 2.22%
guitarmadnessguitarmadness 1 1.11%
jlabello 1 1.11%
partoutallthetime 1 1.11%
acemills 1 1.11%
steand_32 1 1.11%
classicwolfguitars 1 1.11%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$17,687.17 196.52 179.99 158.28387318636283 599.99 12.75
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 3 3.33%
Used 87 96.67%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender American Ultra II Stratocaster HSS LOADED PICKGUARD Strat S1 Anodize Gold $299.99 22-Mar-2025
Fender American Ultra II Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD Strat S1 Noiseless Black $299.99 5-Feb-2025
Vintage Fender Custom Shop '56 1956 Reissue Stratocaster Loaded Pickguard Strat $497.00 8-Jan-2025
Vintage Fender Custom Shop '57 1957 Reissue Stratocaster Loaded Pickguard Strat $497.00 21-Dec-2024
Fender American Performer HSS Stratocaster, LOADED PICKGUARD, Strat Double Tap! $199.99 13-Dec-2024
Fender USA Custom Shop 1959 Relic RI Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD Strat "NG" $599.99 2-Dec-2024
Vintage Fender Custom Shop '57 1957 Reissue Stratocaster Loaded Pickguard Strat $497.00 1-Dec-2024
87 Japan Fender Stratocaster Pickguard Strat Tortoise Celluloid 8 hole RI MIJ $79.00 28-Nov-2024
Fender American Ultra Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD Strat S1 Noiseless USA Aged $299.99 25-Nov-2024
'59-'62 Fender Stratocaster Pickguard Strat Tortoise Celluloid '60's USA $79.00 23-Nov-2024
Genuine MIM Fender LOADED PICKGUARD Strat Pickup Set HSH Humbucker Stratocaster $249.00 20-Nov-2024
USA Fender Eric Clapton Stratocaster, PICKGUARD Strat 50s White 1 Ply. $29.99 18-Nov-2024
USA Fender Eric Clapton Stratocaster, PICKGUARD, Strat 50s White 1 One Ply! $29.99 18-Nov-2024
Fender American Performer HSS Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD, Strat Double Tap! $199.99 18-Nov-2024
Fender American Performer HSS Stratocaster, LOADED PICKGUARD, Strat Double Tap. $199.99 18-Nov-2024
'59-'62 Fender Stratocaster Pickguard Strat Tortoise Celluloid '60's USA $79.00 16-Nov-2024
Fender American Ultra Luxe Stratocaster, LOADED PICKGUARD Strat S1 Noiseless BLK $299.99 11-Nov-2024
Fender American Professional II Stratocaster Thinline PICKGUARD Strat Tortoise $29.99 11-Nov-2024
USA Fender Custom Shop Robin Trower Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD, Strat $500.00 8-Nov-2024
Fender Custom Shop Vintage Custom 1959 CC Closet LOADED PICKGUARD, Strat "CG" $599.99 5-Nov-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 92 98.92%
JP 1 1.08%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
thestratosphere 64 68.82%
fenderparts 12 12.90%
dhir.dhir 4 4.30%
simsmusic 3 3.23%
andmech-20 1 1.08%
ocha4060 1 1.08%
noama46 1 1.08%
yechi_25 1 1.08%
sddweller 1 1.08%
retroaxe 1 1.08%
ezrame_70 1 1.08%
techambient 1 1.08%
portlandmusic 1 1.08%
partoutallthetime 1 1.08%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$25,141.84 270.34 299.99 173.21122069614634 799.99 23.45
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 6 6.45%
Used 87 93.55%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Pro 11 Hole HSH Guitar Pickguard Strat Scratch Plate for Fender US/Mexico Sta... $24.59 4-Jan-2025
Fender Pickguard, Strat H/S/S (3-Screw Mount HB), 11-Hole Mount, Brown Shell $49.99 23-Nov-2024
Pro 11 Hole HSH Guitar Pickguard Strat Scratch Plate for Fender US/Mexico Sta... $23.45 31-Oct-2024
Fender Pickguard, Strat H/S/S, 11-Hole Mount/3-Screw Mount HB), Black, 3-Ply $34.99 22-Oct-2024
Fender Starcaster Mettalic Black w/White Pearled Pickguard Strat Electric Guitar $200.00 20-Oct-2024
Fender Starcaster Mettalic Black w/White Pearled Pickguard Strat Electric Guitar $200.00 12-Oct-2024
Fender Starcaster Mettalic Black w/White Pearled Pickguard Strat Electric Guitar $200.00 4-Oct-2024
Fender Starcaster Mettalic Black w/White Pearled Pickguard Strat Electric Guitar $200.00 28-Sep-2024
Pro 11 Hole HSH Guitar Pickguard Strat Scratch Plate for Fender US/Mexico Sta... $26.89 17-Sep-2024
Genuine Product Fender Custom Shop Fat 50'S Stratocaster Wired Pickguard Strat S $478.60 1-Sep-2024
'59 10 hole Fender Stratocaster Pickguard Strat Tortoise Celluloid USA AVRI $49.99 2-Aug-2024
Fender American Performer HSS Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD Strat Prewired $199.99 1-Jan-1970
'59-'62 Fender Stratocaster Pickguard Strat Tortoise Celluloid '60's USA $79.00 1-Jan-1970
'59-'62 Fender Stratocaster Pickguard Strat Tortoise Celluloid '60's USA $89.00 1-Jan-1970
'59-'62 Fender Stratocaster Pickguard Strat Tortoise Celluloid '60's USA $79.00 1-Jan-1970
'59-'62 Fender Stratocaster Pickguard Strat Tortoise Celluloid '60's USA $79.00 1-Jan-1970
'59-'62 Fender Stratocaster Pickguard Strat Tortoise Celluloid '60's USA $79.00 1-Jan-1970
'54 ‘58 Fender Stratocaster Pickguard Strat Tortoise '50’s USA Mexico Japan $79.00 1-Jan-1970
Fender Custom Shop American Custom Stratocaster NOS LOADED PICKGUARD Strat "GR". $599.99 1-Jan-1970
Fender American Performer Timber Stratocaster LOADED PICKGUARD Strat Yosemite $199.99 1-Jan-1970
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