Fender Guitars
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Price: $0.99 - $913.00
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10G has appeared in 590 unique listings.

There are currently 126 active listings, 193 sold listings, and 271 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $38,048.69

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eBay.com Click here to view 10G on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 126 21%
Sold 193 33%
Unsold 271 46%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 574 97.29%
JP 8 1.36%
CA 8 1.36%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
robdipi11 16 2.71%
wheelr-deelr 12 2.03%
seattlegoodwill 9 1.53%
elcr13 9 1.53%
rachelevi4 7 1.19%
hamate0 7 1.19%
fashionfinder201417 7 1.19%
goodwill_colorado_collectables 6 1.02%
stlaplyr 5 0.85%
2014xcess 5 0.85%
pawn-chicago 4 0.68%
sweetwatersound 4 0.68%
turbotime05 4 0.68%
osmsos_vwcgttdfck 4 0.68%
thepickypicker22 4 0.68%
austin_bazaar 4 0.68%
lpfamilyaz 3 0.51%
chrismac303 3 0.51%
flyerphan1 3 0.51%
xcesslimited2013 3 0.51%
hgreeny 3 0.51%
goodwillrs 3 0.51%
globalprime4 3 0.51%
proaudiostar 3 0.51%
shopsastores_flint 3 0.51%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$38,048.69 64.49 49.89 81.81167283809779 913.00 0.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 511 86.61%
Used 75 12.71%
Refrubished 4 0.68%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 121 96.03%
CA 4 3.17%
JP 1 0.79%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
wheelr-deelr 6 4.76%
robdipi11 4 3.17%
elcr13 4 3.17%
hamate0 3 2.38%
goodwill_colorado_collectables 2 1.59%
hgreeny 2 1.59%
lorianddrew 2 1.59%
ryliz_21 2 1.59%
thepickypicker22 2 1.59%
productdeliveries 2 1.59%
proaudiostar 2 1.59%
xxubuyisellxx 2 1.59%
northwestwares 2 1.59%
muzic4u 1 0.79%
addiesclosets 1 0.79%
shopsastores_flint 1 0.79%
globalprime4 1 0.79%
chrismac303 1 0.79%
stlaplyr 1 0.79%
ilaboy035 1 0.79%
everydayideas 1 0.79%
maddogresale 1 0.79%
shopats 1 0.79%
georgeb-792 1 0.79%
jedimaster23 1 0.79%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$17,657.90 73.27 50.00 0 913.00 5.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 21 16.67%
Used 105 83.33%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Guitar Amplifier - Blue ' Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt ' $8.02 2-Dec-2024
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $44.99 2-Dec-2024
Fender Frontman 10G 10W Guitar Combo Amp Black Exc. Condition $49.99 1-Dec-2024
Mitchell MM100 Mini Electric Guitar Black with Fender 10G AMP - Great for Kids $140.00 30-Nov-2024
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $34.90 30-Nov-2024
Fender Frontman 10G 10W Guitar Combo Amplifier Amp Black/Silver 120V 4-Ohm $74.99 29-Nov-2024
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $69.99 29-Nov-2024
Fender Frontman 10G Amp PR 357 Guitar Practice Amplifier 28 Watt $39.99 29-Nov-2024
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $35.00 28-Nov-2024
Squier Frontman 10G Electric Guitar Amp Amplifier Fender PR 357 28W Sounds Great $2.50 28-Nov-2024
Fender Frontman 10G 10W Guitar Amplifier $49.99 27-Nov-2024
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $34.57 26-Nov-2024
Squier Sonic Stratocaster LE Guitar Pack w/Fender Frontman 10G Amp Arctic White $229.99 26-Nov-2024
Guitar Amplifier - Blue ' Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt ' $8.02 25-Nov-2024
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $44.99 25-Nov-2024
Fender Frontman 10G 10W Guitar Combo Amp Black PLUS CABLE $67.00 25-Nov-2024
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier W/ Cable & Lekato WS-50 Transmitter $60.00 25-Nov-2024
NICE! Fender Squier Frontman 10G Electric Guitar Amplifier Amp 28W Type PR 357 $50.00 25-Nov-2024
BUNDLE Fender Frontman 10G Cable $74.99 25-Nov-2024
Fender Frontman 10G 10W 1x6" Combo Amplifier (TDY025871) $69.99 25-Nov-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 192 99.48%
CA 1 0.52%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
wheelr-deelr 6 3.11%
goodwill_colorado_collectables 4 2.07%
xcesslimited2013 3 1.55%
goodwillrs 3 1.55%
18thstdeals 3 1.55%
2014xcess 3 1.55%
austin_bazaar 3 1.55%
bigsquatchvalleysales 2 1.04%
apexauto46 2 1.04%
seattlegoodwill 2 1.04%
vijafer880 2 1.04%
millencolin1016 2 1.04%
ccgoodwill1 2 1.04%
azusapawn1 2 1.04%
rire_9849 1 0.52%
coast-radio 1 0.52%
westgapickers 1 0.52%
salvationarmyorlandoarc 1 0.52%
lowriver 1 0.52%
buddysmm2 1 0.52%
rogar_927244 1 0.52%
thegridgoodwill 1 0.52%
mjs150 1 0.52%
foresttradingpost 1 0.52%
818angelll 1 0.52%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$10,126.59 52.47 39.97 64.13106092822117 493.78 0.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 20 10.36%
Used 172 89.12%
Refrubished 1 0.52%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender Frontman 10g Guitar Amp Great Condition $36.00 12-Mar-2025
FENDER FRONTMAN 10G 10W GUITAR AMP (AZP024836) $34.99 11-Mar-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10W Guitar Combo Amp with 20 Foot Instrument Cable $65.00 9-Mar-2025
Fender Frontman 10G Electric Guitar 10W Amplifier - NEW! $72.50 7-Mar-2025
Fender Squier Frontman 10G 10-Watt 10W Guitar Amplifier PR 357 - Mint Open Box $64.00 6-Mar-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10W Guitar Amplifier - Tested & Working $28.25 3-Mar-2025
Fender Black Frontman 10G Guitar Amplifier $36.00 26-Feb-2025
FENDER Frontman 10G Electric Guitar Amplifier Black Type PR 357- Tested $21.50 23-Feb-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $8.53 21-Feb-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black - Excellent Condition $16.50 21-Feb-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $19.50 19-Feb-2025
Fender Frontman 10G Live Or Practice Electric Guitar Amplifier w/ Cord Working $45.00 13-Feb-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10W Guitar Combo Amp $40.00 11-Feb-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black - Excellent Condition $39.99 4-Feb-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $30.00 1-Feb-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $31.00 29-Jan-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $62.99 29-Jan-2025
Squier Sonic Stratocaster Electric Guitar Pack W/ Fender Frontman 10G Amp, BLACK $128.00 23-Jan-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $44.99 22-Jan-2025
Fender Frontman 10G Electric Guitar Amplifier $74.99 20-Jan-2025


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 261 96.31%
JP 7 2.58%
CA 3 1.11%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
robdipi11 12 4.43%
fashionfinder201417 7 2.58%
seattlegoodwill 6 2.21%
rachelevi4 6 2.21%
elcr13 5 1.85%
pawn-chicago 4 1.48%
stlaplyr 4 1.48%
hamate0 4 1.48%
osmsos_vwcgttdfck 4 1.48%
lpfamilyaz 3 1.11%
turbotime05 3 1.11%
sweetwatersound 3 1.11%
ty040680 2 0.74%
lh_guitars 2 0.74%
mkceramics 2 0.74%
flyerphan1 2 0.74%
kman646-7 2 0.74%
shopsastores_flint 2 0.74%
addiesclosets 2 0.74%
worldwidejewelryandpawn 2 0.74%
thepickypicker22 2 0.74%
musiciansfriend 2 0.74%
samurai-123 2 0.74%
2014xcess 2 0.74%
saltlifelady 2 0.74%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$20,253.91 74.74 50.00 100.84930264346485 913.00 5.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 34 12.55%
Used 234 86.35%
Refrubished 3 1.11%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender Frontman 10G 1 x 6-inch 10-watt Combo Amp Accessories Bundle $109.99 17-Feb-2025
Fender 2018 Frontman 10G 10W 1x6 Practice Amp $70.00 14-Feb-2025
Fender Frontman 10G Electric Guitar Amplifier - Midnight Blue $70.00 13-Feb-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $50.00 13-Feb-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10W Guitar Combo Amplifier Amp Black/Silver 120V 4-Ohm $99.95 12-Feb-2025
Fender 2020 Frontman 10G 10W 1x6 Practice Amp $70.00 9-Feb-2025
Fender Frontman 10G Guitar Amp, 120V $99.99 30-Jan-2025
Fender Frontman 10G Guitar Amp - Excellent Working Condition from Japan Used $141.57 16-Jan-2025
Fender Frontman 10G Electric Guitar Amplifier - Midnight Blue $35.00 9-Jan-2025
Fender Frontman 10G Guitar Amp, 10 Watts,, 6 Inch Fender Special Design Speaker $55.00 9-Jan-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10W Guitar Amplifier, Small Practice Amp with Tags $70.00 3-Jan-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $50.00 1-Jan-2025
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $35.00 19-Dec-2024
Guitar Amplifier - Blue ' Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt ' $8.02 9-Dec-2024
New Fender Frontman 10G 10W Guitar Amplifier, Small Amp $85.00 6-Dec-2024
Guitar Amplifier - Blue ' Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt ' $8.02 2-Dec-2024
FENDER FRONTMAN 10G (SB1108139) $34.99 30-Nov-2024
FENDER FRONTMAN 10G (SB1107007) $49.99 30-Nov-2024
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $40.00 29-Nov-2024
Fender Frontman 10G 10-Watt Guitar Amplifier - Black $69.99 29-Nov-2024
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