Fender Guitars
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Price: $1.99 - $399.99
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PICKGUARD PARCHMENT has appeared in 121 unique listings.

There are currently 46 active listings, 25 sold listings, and 50 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $12,591.17

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Vendor Link Info
eBay.com Click here to view PICKGUARD PARCHMENT on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 46 38%
Sold 25 21%
Unsold 50 41%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 76 62.81%
CN 29 23.97%
FR 15 12.40%
JP 1 0.83%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
thestratosphere 19 15.70%
chengpickguard 15 12.40%
fretdreamer 15 12.40%
sweetwatersound 7 5.79%
professors*photos 5 4.13%
shengchenggongyiping 5 4.13%
proaudiostar 4 3.31%
latexandleather 4 3.31%
chenzhe-97 3 2.48%
jinglong2589 3 2.48%
bayouguitarworksllc 3 2.48%
capitalmusicgear 2 1.65%
pat52stamps 2 1.65%
4cn1070 2 1.65%
redhouseguitar 2 1.65%
teli_794 2 1.65%
shengch_4362 2 1.65%
barjack69 1 0.83%
thokon-68 1 0.83%
mckinneymarket-usa 1 0.83%
stuffcart76 1 0.83%
5stringtelecasters 1 0.83%
pltutor 1 0.83%
dockexpo 1 0.83%
xiulin988 1 0.83%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$12,591.17 104.06 29.99 117.58758802046897 399.99 1.99
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 73 60.33%
Used 48 39.67%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
CN 24 52.17%
US 18 39.13%
FR 3 6.52%
JP 1 2.17%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
chengpickguard 12 26.09%
thestratosphere 5 10.87%
shengchenggongyiping 4 8.70%
fretdreamer 3 6.52%
chenzhe-97 3 6.52%
jinglong2589 3 6.52%
proaudiostar 2 4.35%
sweetwatersound 1 2.17%
barjack69 1 2.17%
pat52stamps 1 2.17%
dockexpo 1 2.17%
shengch_4362 1 2.17%
xiulin988 1 2.17%
xiangn-1288 1 2.17%
4cn1070 1 2.17%
snareflair 1 2.17%
bowo-67 1 2.17%
crazydavesmusic 1 2.17%
ocha4060 1 2.17%
redhouseguitar 1 2.17%
wiguitar 1 2.17%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$3,979.86 165.83 167.66 112.32961487107188 314.49 5.99
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 36 78.26%
Used 10 21.74%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
USA Fender Stratocaster Strat ERIC JOHNSON PICKGUARD / Parchment, One 1 Ply! $19.99 3-Dec-2024
3 Ply Replacement Fender Telecaster Pickguard Parchment Aged 47 $16.88 30-Nov-2024
For Fit Fender American Special Jazzmaste Style Guitar Pickguard Parchment $20.99 28-Nov-2024
Fender Vintera II 50s RI Nocaster LOADED PICKGUARD, Parchment $149.99 27-Nov-2024
New Great-For US Fender American Special Jazzmaster Guitar Pickguard Parchment $23.99 25-Nov-2024
2009 Fender USA Highway One Tele PICKGUARD Parchment White 3-ply Electric Guitar $9.50 19-Nov-2024
New Great-For Fender Telecaster Nashville Tele Style Guitar pickguard Parchment $16.99 19-Nov-2024
Fender Telecaster Pickguard Parchment $53.82 19-Nov-2024
New Great-For Fender Esquire Telecaster 5 Hole Style Guitar Pickguard Parchment $16.99 18-Nov-2024
New Great-For Fender Esquire Telecaster 5 Hole Blank Guitar Pickguard Parchment $16.99 18-Nov-2024
New-For Fender Player Stratocaster Floyd Rose HSS Guitar Pickguard Parchment $19.99 18-Nov-2024
Pickguard Parchment Fender Pre-cablé Sss 11H/8H for STRAT, Micros TEX-MEX $147.62 18-Nov-2024
New Great-For Fender Esquire Telecaster 5 Hole PAF Guitar Pickguard Parchment $17.99 12-Nov-2024
For 1-Ply Fender 8 Screw Stratocaster Start HSS Style Guitar Pickguard,Parchment $13.99 11-Nov-2024
For 3-Ply Fender Squier Vintage Modified Bass VI Guitar Pickguard,Parchment $11.50 8-Nov-2024
USA Fender AV II American Vintage 1973 Stratocaster Strat 73 PICKGUARD Parchment $29.99 8-Nov-2024
USA Fender American Performer HSS Stratocaster Strat PICKGUARD, Parchment 3 Ply. $19.99 8-Nov-2024
Fender Pure Vintage '59 Prewired Strat Pickguard - Parchment $254.99 8-Nov-2024
Genuine Fender American Standard Telecaster 8-Hole Pickguard - PARCHMENT $14.99 31-Oct-2024
Fender Eric Johnson Prewired Stratocaster Pickguard - Parchment (open box) $275.00 28-Oct-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 24 96.00%
CN 1 4.00%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
thestratosphere 9 36.00%
bayouguitarworksllc 3 12.00%
4cn1070 1 4.00%
thokon-68 1 4.00%
redhouseguitar 1 4.00%
mckinneymarket-usa 1 4.00%
5stringtelecasters 1 4.00%
pltutor 1 4.00%
stuffcart76 1 4.00%
angelainstruments 1 4.00%
proaudiostar 1 4.00%
teli_794 1 4.00%
luck4miles 1 4.00%
myyykle 1 4.00%
mountainmusicexchange 1 4.00%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$2,064.75 82.59 29.99 96.77166403446829 329.99 1.99
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 8 32.00%
Used 17 68.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender Vintage Noiseless SSS Pre-wired Stratocaster Pickguard - Parchment 3-ply $250.00 15-Feb-2025
Fender Vintera II 50s RI Nocaster LOADED PICKGUARD, Parchment $149.99 4-Feb-2025
Fender Custom Shop '69 Pre-wired Stratocaster Pickguard - Parchment 3-ply $285.00 12-Jan-2025
Fender Jazz Bass Pickguard Parchment American Standard Guitar Parts Pick USA $1.99 12-Jan-2025
USA Fender Stratocaster Strat ERIC JOHNSON PICKGUARD / Parchment, One 1 Ply! $19.99 5-Dec-2024
USA Fender Stratocaster Strat, ERIC JOHNSON PICKGUARD / Parchment 3 Ply $29.99 25-Nov-2024
USA Fender AV II American Vintage 1957 Stratocaster Strat 57 PICKGUARD Parchment $29.99 5-Nov-2024
Fender Squier Paranormal Troublemaker Telecaster Deluxe Tele PICKGUARD Parchment $9.99 7-Oct-2024
USA Fender American Performer HSS Stratocaster Strat PICKGUARD, Parchment 3 Ply. $19.99 25-Sep-2024
USA Fender American Performer HSS Stratocaster Strat PICKGUARD, Parchment 3 Ply $19.99 25-Sep-2024
USA Fender Stratocaster Strat ERIC JOHNSON PICKGUARD / Parchment, One 1 Ply! $19.99 12-Sep-2024
USA Fender AV II American Vintage 1957 Stratocaster Strat 57 PICKGUARD Parchment $29.99 12-Sep-2024
Used Fender Eric Johnson Signature Pre-Wired Strat Pickguard - Parchment 11 Hole $219.99 3-Sep-2024
Fender American Pro Jazzmaster Pickguard, Parchment Black Parchment, 7710713000 $53.99 1-Sep-2024
Fender Strat Style Loaded Guitar Pickguard Parchment See Description Untested $15.00 24-Aug-2024
Fender 11-hole Modern-style Stratocaster S/S/S Pickguard - Parchment White $19.95 19-Aug-2024
Stratocaster HSS Pickguard Parchment For FENDER Am Pro Ultra MIM Tremolo Cover $9.95 18-Aug-2024
Fender Tex-Mex SSS Pre-wired Stratocaster Pickguard - Parchment 3-ply Open Box $149.99 14-Aug-2024
2004 Fender USA Highway One Tele PICKGUARD Parchment White 3-ply Electric Guitar $9.50 9-Aug-2024
NEW Fender Eric Johnson Pre-Wired Stratocaster Pickguard - Parchment 8 Hole $329.99 7-Aug-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 34 68.00%
FR 12 24.00%
CN 4 8.00%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
fretdreamer 12 24.00%
sweetwatersound 6 12.00%
professors*photos 5 10.00%
thestratosphere 5 10.00%
latexandleather 4 8.00%
chengpickguard 3 6.00%
capitalmusicgear 2 4.00%
pat52stamps 1 2.00%
jcb.nc 1 2.00%
teli_794 1 2.00%
mended-strings-luthiery 1 2.00%
shengchenggongyiping 1 2.00%
shengch_4362 1 2.00%
paragausti 1 2.00%
clutchretailusa 1 2.00%
novemguitar7 1 2.00%
geartree 1 2.00%
proaudiostar 1 2.00%
musiciansfriend 1 2.00%
tonewolfllc 1 2.00%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$6,892.17 137.84 65.49 126.71167999217751 399.99 5.99
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 29 58.00%
Used 21 42.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Fender Pure Vintage '59 Prewired Strat Pickguard - Parchment $254.99 10-Dec-2024
Pickguard Parchment Fender Pre-cablé Sss 11H/8H for STRAT, Micros TEX-MEX $147.62 28-Nov-2024
Pickguard Parchment Fender Pre-cablé Sss 11H/8H for STRAT, Micros TEX-MEX $169.77 15-Nov-2024
Genuine Fender American Standard Telecaster 8-Hole Pickguard - PARCHMENT $14.99 7-Nov-2024
Genuine Fender American Standard Telecaster 8-Hole Pickguard - PARCHMENT $16.99 31-Oct-2024
Pickguard Parchment Fender Pre-cablé Sss 11H for STRAT, Micros Vintage Noisel $270.46 28-Oct-2024
Pickguard Parchment Fender Pre-cablé Sss 11H for STRAT, Micros Texas Special $296.02 26-Oct-2024
Fender Custom Shop Stratocaster Relic Strat Pickguard - Parchment $140.00 26-Oct-2024
Genuine Fender American Standard Telecaster 8-Hole Pickguard - PARCHMENT $16.99 24-Oct-2024
Pickguard Parchment Fender Pre-cablé Sss 11H for STRAT, Micros Hot Noiseless $285.46 15-Oct-2024
Pickguard Parchment Fender Pre-cablé Sss 11H/8H for STRAT, Micros TEX-MEX $168.76 15-Oct-2024
Genuine Fender American Standard Telecaster 8-Hole Pickguard - PARCHMENT $19.99 10-Oct-2024
Fender Custom Fat '50s SSS Pre-wired Stratocaster Pickguard - Parchment 3-ply $314.49 6-Oct-2024
Genuine Fender American Standard Telecaster 8-Hole Pickguard - PARCHMENT $19.99 3-Oct-2024
Fender Eric Johnson Prewired Stratocaster Pickguard - Parchment $296.99 26-Sep-2024
Pickguard Parchment Fender Pre-cablé Sss 11H for STRAT, Micros Texas Special $292.79 16-Sep-2024
Pickguard Parchment Fender Pre-cablé Sss 11H for STRAT, Micros Hot Noiseless $281.36 13-Sep-2024
Pickguard Parchment Fender Pre-cablé Sss 11H/8H for STRAT, Micros TEX-MEX $166.55 10-Sep-2024
Fender Standard Stratocaster Guitar Pickguard Parchment 11 Hole 3 Ply S/S/S $59.99 29-Aug-2024
Fender Standard P-Bass Guitar Pickguard Parchment 3 Ply $70.99 29-Aug-2024
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