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eBay.com | Click here to view USA GEDDY on eBay |
Listings Overview | ||
Status | Listings | Percentage of listings |
Active | 19 | 66% |
Sold | 3 | 10% |
Unsold | 7 | 24% |
Country Overview | |||
Country | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
US | 16 | 55.17% | |
JP | 13 | 44.83% |
All Sellers (click to view on eBay) | |||
Seller Name | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
taigakouga-japan | 8 | 27.59% | |
thestratosphere | 3 | 10.34% | |
proaudiostar | 3 | 10.34% | |
organ_4186 | 2 | 6.90% | |
ocha4060 | 2 | 6.90% | |
focusproaudio | 2 | 6.90% | |
sweetwatersound | 2 | 6.90% | |
murphysmusic | 1 | 3.45% | |
cop161 | 1 | 3.45% | |
dimeback-516 | 1 | 3.45% | |
maxflex314 | 1 | 3.45% | |
jerbr8740 | 1 | 3.45% | |
next-big-thing-guitars | 1 | 3.45% | |
themusiczoo | 1 | 3.45% |
Pricing Overview | |||||
Total | Average | Median | Std. Deviation | Highest | Lowest |
$65,057.21 | 2,243.35 | 2,299.99 | 862.8156649473153 | 3,295.76 | 11.99 |
Condition Overview | ||
Condition | Listings | Percentage of listings |
New | 24 | 82.76% |
Used | 4 | 13.79% |
Refrubished | 1 | 3.45% |
Active Countries | |||
Country | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
US | 12 | 63.16% | |
JP | 7 | 36.84% |
Active Sellers (click to view on eBay) | |||
Seller Name | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
taigakouga-japan | 7 | 36.84% | |
proaudiostar | 3 | 15.79% | |
thestratosphere | 2 | 10.53% | |
focusproaudio | 2 | 10.53% | |
sweetwatersound | 2 | 10.53% | |
murphysmusic | 1 | 5.26% | |
maxflex314 | 1 | 5.26% | |
themusiczoo | 1 | 5.26% |
Active Pricing | |||||
Total | Average | Median | Std. Deviation | Highest | Lowest |
$28,382.06 | 2,580.19 | 2,742.54 | 479.60225678237157 | 3,295.76 | 1,799.00 |
Active Conditions | ||
Condition | Listings | Percentage of listings |
New | 4 | 21.05% |
Used | 14 | 73.68% |
Refrubished | 1 | 5.26% |
Sold Countries | |||
Country | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
US | 3 | 100.00% |
Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay) | |||
Seller Name | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
cop161 | 1 | 33.33% | |
jerbr8740 | 1 | 33.33% | |
thestratosphere | 1 | 33.33% |
Sold Pricing | |||||
Total | Average | Median | Std. Deviation | Highest | Lowest |
$3,299.99 | 1,100.00 | 1,250.00 | 441.5925724264644 | 1,550.00 | 499.99 |
Sold Conditions | ||
Condition | Listings | Percentage of listings |
New | 0 | 0.00% |
Used | 3 | 100.00% |
Refrubished | 0 | 0.00% |
Unsold Countries | |||
Country | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
JP | 6 | 85.71% | |
US | 1 | 14.29% |
Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay) | |||
Seller Name | Listings | Percentage of listings | |
organ_4186 | 2 | 28.57% | |
ocha4060 | 2 | 28.57% | |
taigakouga-japan | 1 | 14.29% | |
dimeback-516 | 1 | 14.29% | |
next-big-thing-guitars | 1 | 14.29% |
Unsold Pricing | |||||
Total | Average | Median | Std. Deviation | Highest | Lowest |
$19,246.15 | 2,749.45 | 2,832.12 | 391.8284637440216 | 3,295.76 | 1,899.00 |
Unsold Conditions | ||
Condition | Listings | Percentage of listings |
New | 0 | 0.00% |
Used | 7 | 100.00% |
Refrubished | 0 | 0.00% |