Fender Guitars
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Price: $5.64 - $195.00
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LEG has appeared in 217 unique listings.

There are currently 73 active listings, 16 sold listings, and 128 listings that did not sell.

The total value of all listings associated with this tag: $3,168.60

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eBay.com Click here to view LEG on eBay
Listings Overview
Status Listings Percentage of listings
Active 73 34%
Sold 16 7%
Unsold 128 59%
Country Overview
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 138 63.59%
CN 79 36.41%
Top 25 Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
michael_atw 7 3.23%
musicians-bunker 6 2.76%
beautiful1010 5 2.30%
xctrading27 5 2.30%
anita1229 5 2.30%
oneworld_v 4 1.84%
jiumy1005 3 1.38%
yuzexin006f 3 1.38%
jiumy008 3 1.38%
xiang00f 3 1.38%
jiumy1009 3 1.38%
oneworld_p 3 1.38%
madstark 3 1.38%
xiang00i 3 1.38%
dangdang00h 2 0.92%
beautiful1003 2 0.92%
xctrading2 2 0.92%
goodboy00f 2 0.92%
peachflower78 2 0.92%
jiumy001 2 0.92%
beautiful1015 2 0.92%
goodboy00i 2 0.92%
madnanchang 2 0.92%
xctrading39 2 0.92%
anita1232 2 0.92%
Pricing Overview
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$3,168.60 14.60 11.39 19.16355400577182 195.00 5.64
Condition Overview
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 202 93.09%
Used 15 6.91%
Refrubished 0 0.00%


Active Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 38 52.05%
CN 35 47.95%
Top 25 Active Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
beautiful1010 3 4.11%
jiumy001 2 2.74%
goodboy00i 2 2.74%
xctrading27 2 2.74%
musicians-bunker 2 2.74%
anita1232 2 2.74%
accessorieswholesaler 1 1.37%
oneworld_v 1 1.37%
madnanchang 1 1.37%
xctrading2 1 1.37%
michael_atw 1 1.37%
moonmoon_a 1 1.37%
ninevally004 1 1.37%
crystal00b 1 1.37%
ninevally007 1 1.37%
maddemon 1 1.37%
madringbearer 1 1.37%
ninevally008 1 1.37%
vkaikai00e 1 1.37%
xctrading40 1 1.37%
bobo00g 1 1.37%
crystal00j 1 1.37%
oneworld_d 1 1.37%
madluigi 1 1.37%
madnanking 1 1.37%
Active Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,198.10 13.93 11.50 13.150793694571734 89.99 6.19
Active Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 69 94.52%
Used 4 5.48%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
New Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Ghostbusters Leg Hose And Connector With Belt Clip $30.00 18-Jan-2025
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $17.88 3-Dec-2024
8pcs New Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender $12.53 3-Dec-2024
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender H $7.01 29-Nov-2024
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender o $11.96 28-Nov-2024
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender s $11.99 27-Nov-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.72 26-Nov-2024
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $18.06 26-Nov-2024
8pcs New Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender $11.39 25-Nov-2024
banjo armrest single leg from fender banjo parts $10.00 25-Nov-2024
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $10.52 22-Nov-2024
8pcs New Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender $7.00 21-Nov-2024
Fender Rumble 15 Bass Guitar Amp PR 497 Part: Rubber Foot Leg w/Screws [3 Pcs] $8.86 19-Nov-2024
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender $7.14 15-Nov-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $9.23 14-Nov-2024
8x Polished Chrome Speaker Amplifier Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Corner for Fender $11.72 12-Nov-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.72 11-Nov-2024
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender f $11.99 11-Nov-2024
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender S $7.41 11-Nov-2024
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender D $11.73 11-Nov-2024


Sold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 12 75.00%
CN 4 25.00%
Top 25 Sold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
michael_atw 4 25.00%
oneworld_a 1 6.25%
dangdang00c 1 6.25%
xctrading14 1 6.25%
tomorrowsky 1 6.25%
lotus556 1 6.25%
guitarpartsdistributor 1 6.25%
philevringham 1 6.25%
xiang00f 1 6.25%
beautiful1013 1 6.25%
xctrading39 1 6.25%
accessorieswholesaler 1 6.25%
stingynerd 1 6.25%
Sold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$651.49 40.72 11.76 51.04757820146197 195.00 6.09
Sold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 12 75.00%
Used 4 25.00%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Sold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
Ghostbusters Leg Hose And Connector With Belt Clip $30.00 9-Mar-2025
KAISH 8x Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome for Fender $10.51 1-Mar-2025
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.72 21-Feb-2025
set 1950s Fender Stringmaster steel guitar leg mounts $89.99 5-Feb-2025
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $9.29 24-Jan-2025
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender $7.19 25-Nov-2024
Lap Steel Legs And Leg Mounts $195.00 25-Oct-2024
set 1950s Fender Stringmaster steel guitar leg mounts $89.99 15-Oct-2024
KAISH 8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome for Fender $10.31 11-Oct-2024
set 1950s Fender Stringmaster steel guitar leg mounts $63.99 18-Sep-2024
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $12.14 4-Sep-2024
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $6.09 29-Aug-2024
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $11.79 23-Aug-2024
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender $6.40 16-Aug-2024
set 1950s Fender Stringmaster steel guitar leg mounts $89.99 29-Jul-2024
8pcs New Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender $7.09 25-Jul-2024


Unsold Countries
Country Listings Percentage of listings
US 88 68.75%
CN 40 31.25%
Top 25 Unsold Sellers (click to view on eBay)
Seller Name Listings Percentage of listings
anita1229 5 3.91%
musicians-bunker 4 3.12%
jiumy1005 3 2.34%
xctrading27 3 2.34%
jiumy1009 3 2.34%
oneworld_p 3 2.34%
oneworld_v 3 2.34%
xiang00i 3 2.34%
beautiful1010 2 1.56%
yuzexin006f 2 1.56%
jiumy008 2 1.56%
vkaikai00i 2 1.56%
free3338 2 1.56%
dangdang00h 2 1.56%
michael_atw 2 1.56%
vkaikai00b 2 1.56%
moonyuefast009i 2 1.56%
xiang00f 2 1.56%
oneworld_h 2 1.56%
beautiful1003 2 1.56%
longlonglong001 2 1.56%
xctrading20 2 1.56%
simtong004 2 1.56%
madstark 2 1.56%
leggis_rose 2 1.56%
Unsold Pricing
Total Average Median Std. Deviation Highest Lowest
$1,655.58 12.93 11.50 10.945093978680516 89.99 6.19
Unsold Conditions
Condition Listings Percentage of listings
New 121 94.53%
Used 7 5.47%
Refrubished 0 0.00%
Recent Unsold Listings (click to view on eBay)
Title Price Date
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $12.65 28-Feb-2025
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $15.35 21-Feb-2025
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.55 21-Feb-2025
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $11.31 21-Feb-2025
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender S $7.47 20-Feb-2025
8pcs New Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender $11.39 17-Feb-2025
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender G $10.88 14-Feb-2025
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender D $10.88 14-Feb-2025
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $11.50 14-Feb-2025
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $17.88 14-Feb-2025
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender F $7.26 11-Feb-2025
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender S $7.41 10-Feb-2025
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender A $7.16 15-Jan-2025
8pcs New Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender $11.42 14-Jan-2025
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $6.81 31-Dec-2024
8pcs New Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender $13.19 31-Dec-2024
8pcs Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome For Fender $12.82 27-Dec-2024
8Pack Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender G $11.39 9-Dec-2024
8pcs New Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Protectors For Fender $11.39 8-Dec-2024
8x 12MM Metal 2 Leg Guitar AMP Amplifier Cabinet Corners Polished Chrome Fender $9.23 5-Dec-2024
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